A university is planning to put a new requirement to the graduation requirement for completing the coursework: all students should take a public speaking course because it benefits them to speak in front of a large group of people.

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing A university is planning to put a new requirement to the graduation requirement for completing the coursework: all students should take a public speaking course because it benefits them to speak in front of a large group of people.

  • zxytemp
    University: Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
    Nationality: China
    November 7, 2019 at 3:18 am

    TOEFL Writing Topic: A university is planning to put a new requirement to the graduation requirement for completing the coursework: all students should take a public speaking course because it benefits them to speak in front of a large group of people. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

    People express insights and assimilate each other by mutual conversation, for example, in academic meetings and commercial gathering. Should all of us students in university be supposed to take a public speaking course? For my part, not every student will benefit immediately from this course; actually, it depends.

    To start, a public speaking course directly benefits certain students. For those whose prospective employments-for example, TV presenters and teachers-are accompanied with frequent speaking, a public course will play a vital role. In addition, the academic meeting in scientific field also requires a basic speaking ability. Some students major in science, nevertheless, ponder much while speak little, which causes low competence of speaking. As we know, to explain clearly idea then to acquire supports and feedbacks are necessarily significant.

    However, different people have different situation. Students are distinct from variety of majors and career requirements. Sometime compulsorily demanding students to taking this course inevitably increases their study pressure. To illustrate, a student studying computer science, focusing on application maintenance, supposedly spends most time on reading textbooks and training with computers. In fact, the student rarely has an opportunity to speak to herds of people. Therefore, for some students, studying a public speaking course occupies valuable time used to study major subjects.

    In fact, a public course can be set as an elective course. Obviously, neither to directly cancel this course nor to make it to be obligatory is a wise choice. For some students it wastes time while for others it is helpful. Undoubtedly, this policy neutralizes those advantages and disadvantages; it not only benefits students whose study fields or future careers requires public speaking skill but provides chances for those students who, not urgently, want to practice speaking if time allows.

    In conclusion, students will definitely get benefits from a public course, but some students who seldom speaks among groups has no necessary to study this course if time limited. To make a compromise, the university can set some elective courses with different levels of public speaking, which would better for student to choose according to their own situation.



    November 13, 2019 at 4:12 am

    Score: 39.1


    1. Numerous grammatical errors.

    I will send you screenshots to illustrate specific problems/errors.

    University: Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications
    Nationality: China
    November 15, 2019 at 2:07 pm

    People express and assimilate insights through mutual conversation, for instance, in academic or commercial gatherings. Should university students be supposed to take a public speaking course? For my part, not every student will benefit immediately from this course; it depends.

    Admittedly, public speaking training administers to the necessities of a part of students. For those whose prospective employments-as TV presenters and teachers-are accompanied by frequent verbal interflow, one will play a vital role. Additionally, even in the scientific academic meeting, a fundamental discourse skill is indispensable. Some students major in science, nevertheless, ponder much rather than speak, which causes inferior competence of speech. Apparently, researchers acquire essential supports and feedbacks only if they explain ideas explicitly.

    However, different people have different situations. They are distinct from a variety of majors and career requirements. Sometime demanding them to learn this subject increases their pressure. To illustrate, students studying computer maintenance mostly test applications and output reports. They rarely speak to herds of people. Therefore, for those pupils, attending unnecessary class occupies valuable time used on major disciplines.

    Undoubtedly, neither to cancel this course nor to make it to be obligatory is wise. For some it wastes time, while for others it works. To achieve a maximum advantage, the school can set elective common speaking classes. This policy neutralizes those drawbacks; it redounds not merely to those students required for subsequent development but to those intending to make more practice if time allows.

    In conclusion, whether a public speaking course is conductive to pupils or not depend on specific situation. It not necessarily suits those who seldom speak among groups if time limited. To make a compromise, the university can set some elective courses for cultivation of different levels of public communication. That would be better for them to choose according to their situation and ability.

    November 20, 2019 at 3:52 am

    Score: 45.9 (big improvement)

    People express and assimilate insights through mutual conversation, for instance, in academic or commercial gatherings. Should university students be supposed to take a public speaking course? For my part, not every student will benefit immediately from this course; it depends.

    Admittedly, public speaking training administers to the necessities  [  unclear] of a part of students. For those whose prospective employments-as TV presenters and teachers-are accompanied by [  passive]frequent verbal interflow [ unclear ], one [ unclear pronoun ]will play a vital role. Additionally, even in the [ article error ] scientific academic [ redundant ] meeting, a fundamental discourse skill is indispensable. Some students major in science, nevertheless, ponder much rather than speak, which causes inferior competence of speech. Apparently, researchers acquire essential supports and feedbacks only if they explain ideas explicitly.

    However, different people have different situations. They [unclear pronoun  ] are distinct from a variety of majors and career requirements. Sometime [ spelling error ]demanding them to learn this subject increases their pressure. To illustrate, students studying computer maintenance mostly test applications and output reports. They rarely speak to herds of people. Therefore, for those pupils, attending unnecessary class occupies valuable time used [  unclear]on major disciplines.

    Undoubtedly, neither to cancel this course nor to make it to [ grammatical error ]be obligatory is wise. For some [ unclear/punctuation error ] it wastes time, while for others it works. To achieve a maximum advantage, the school can set elective common [ unclear ]speaking classes. This policy neutralizes those drawbacks; it redounds not merely to those students required for subsequent development but to those intending to make more practice if time allows.

    In conclusion, whether a public speaking course is conductive to pupils or not depend on [ article error ]specific situation. It [unclear pronoun  ]not necessarily suits those who seldom speak among groups if time limited [ grammatical error ]. To make a compromise, the university can set some elective courses for cultivation [grammatical error  ]of different levels of public communication. That [unclear pronoun  ]would be better for them to choose according to their situation and ability.