DIY留学选校选专业: 香港大学,悉尼大学,阿德莱德大学建筑专业怎样选

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. Statement of Purpose with samples DIY留学选校选专业: 香港大学,悉尼大学,阿德莱德大学建筑专业怎样选

  • keke0121
    University: XJTLU
    Nationality: china
    April 12, 2019 at 1:03 am

    DIY留学选校选专业: 香港大学,悉尼大学,阿德莱德大学建筑专业怎样选?

    求教选校问题,感谢! 香港大学,悉尼大学,阿德莱德大学。都是两年建筑设计专业。因为今年本科毕业,三所学校都是conditional offer。悉尼大学要求毕业以后提交成绩单,他们再审核(并且没有明确给出要多少均分才够),另外两所毕业就可以去。港大要求接受offer的话要尽快缴学费,否则算弃权,已经给了明确的ddl。ddl在下周,在那之前悉尼大学拿不到正式offer。还有就是我想争取在澳洲技术移民。如果从澳洲毕业可以有两年工作签证。阿德莱德的项目毕业还有额外的偏远地区加分,可是这个学校排名没有另外两个好。




    August 20, 2019 at 12:26 pm


    Since immigration is your priority choice, take The University of Hong Kong as your last option. As for the upcoming acceptance deadline, tell the program that you need more time to come into a mature decision. (Schools normally will extend the deadline). Even rejected, you still have two other opportunities and admission shouldn’t be a problem.

    Out of the two Australian programs, choose the one presented by The University of Sydney.  This program is characterized by innovative ideas and breakthroughs in the global architecture profession in addition to core technical skills. Besides, students’ studio work, which is measured by rigorous industrial standards, benefits students significantly.

    The University of Adelaide can be your backup choice. Immigration shouldn’t be an issue having obtained an advanced Architecture degree from The University of Sydney as well as acquired industrial qualifications.


    Lin Qiu