Exam Pass Rates in Wales, 2003

  • Rouming
    University: Shenyang Agriculture University
    Nationality: Chinese
    March 10, 2020 at 3:07 am

    The bar chart indicates the gender differences in exam pass rates in Wales in 2003, categorized by subjects. It is clear that the biggest gender difference in pass rate was in the Geography class. Also, it is evident that boys did the best in Maths class while the class with the highest pass rate for girls was English.
    The number of girls who passed science, history, geography and art classes obviously outnumbered that of boys. The huge differential was obvious in Geography class, with the level of girls almost double that of boys(46 thousand and 28 thousand respectively). There was also a big gap in art class, where 56 thousand of those who passed the art exam were girls, compared with nearly 40 thousand of boys. The smaller gap could be seen in the column of English and history(48 thousand of boys and 61 thousand of girls in English; 35 thousand of boys and 43 thousand of girls in History).

    March 17, 2020 at 2:56 am

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