Letter of Recommendation for Chemical Engineering

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. Letter of Recommendation Letter of Recommendation for Chemical Engineering

  • xmx
    University: South China University of Technology
    Nationality: Chinese
    September 21, 2019 at 2:39 am

    Letter of Recommendation from my friend.

    To Whom It May Concern,

    Ms. Fan participated in my seminar “Introduction to Petroleum Refining” to demonstrate her desire to expand the academic training of chemical engineering in the field of chemical engineering. She proved herself with a solid background and a special understanding of chemical kinetics and catalysis and ability to quickly grasp the process concepts required for practical applications in problem allocation. For example, it did a good job and quickly answered questions about major refining processes such as fluid catalytic cracking, hydrocracking and hydrotreating. Part of the problem, she expressed the hope to work in the oil industry after completing her studies.

    I am very happy to have a postgraduate course with Ms. Fan. Ms. Fan will graduate from Dalian University of Technology (DUT) next year with a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and a bachelor’s degree in English. In China, DUT is highly regarded for its quality of recommended chemical engineering in its science and engineering academic programs.

    I own and operate a consulting business in Dalian, China. I have a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from the xxx University and have 30 years of experience in chemical engineering in China. In my career, I have held multiple corporate positions. For example, R&D engineers and managers, process engineers, technical managers, intellectual property management and technology licensing management. I have practical introductions developed seminars designed to provide Chinese graduates and new employees with to the oil and petrochemical industry.

    Her English is very good and she knows English very well. I believe she will do a good job in the excellent academic course of chemical engineering. If she wants to study at an English university, then language understanding is not a Great difficulty all goes well. I wish her to study in the future.

    If you need more information about this applicant, feel free to contact my email address.

    September 21, 2019 at 2:44 am

    Score: 44.8

    I will send you the revised Letter of Recommendation using WeChat.


    Lin Qiu