Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  • fanxy
    University: Zhejiang University
    Nationality: Chinese
    March 25, 2021 at 9:12 am

    Life today is easier and more comfortable than it was when your grandparents were children. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    In the past few decades, dramatic changes have taken place.

    It is undeniable that life is changing for the better in many aspects. Today’s generation is enjoying an unparalleled level of wealth and comforts which previous generations could hardly imagine when they were young. Overall, despite the more intense pressure, I think our life is relatively easy and comfortable, comparing with our grandparents’ one.

    First, advanced technologies like the Internet are significantly changing our life. Before the invention of the portable computer, communication was a big problem. Letters were the most popular method of conveying messages and information. The high fees and long time needed to send a letter were salient disadvantages, not to mention the occasional loss of letters. My grandmother Christina lived in a remote village in the 1950s. She had a pen pal, Alex, who lived in Shanghai. They exchange letters every month. Before my grandmother moved to another city, she wrote a letter to inform Alex. But the letter was missing and never reached Alex, so they lost contact with each other. However, with the accessible 5G Internet and laptop, I can easily make friends crossing geographical borders efficiently and safely.

    What’s more, the complete urban infrastructure is improving our living quality. The universality of buses, the underground, and planes can save our time. Limitations caused by geographical borders nearly disappear now. We can reach any place we want in a day. Moreover, the blurring lines in the world contribute to fastening the link between people. Distance is no longer a hedge. We can stride across a long distance with the help of modern transportations. But my grandparents never left their hometown until the 2000s. Also, theme parks, cinemas, and theatres make our life more colorful. We can go to varieties of places to relax, which seemed impossible 50 years ago.

    It is indisputable that our life is becoming better and better. We need to be grateful for what we own now.

    March 26, 2021 at 3:36 pm

    In the past few decades, dramatic changes have taken place. [specify the context(s); or it would fail to logically connect to the 2nd paragraph.   ]

    It is undeniable that life is changing for the better in many aspects. Today’s [young   ] generation is enjoying an unparalleled level of wealth and comforts[word form error   ] which[ /that  ] previous generations could hardly imagine when they were young. Overall, despite [For all   ]the more intense pressure, [ though,  ] I think our life is relatively easy and comfortable, comparing [ dangling issue  ]with our grandparents’ one.

    First, advanced technologies like the Internet are significantly changing our life. Before the invention of the [ article error  ]portable computer, communication was [ replace BE verb with concrete verb  ]a big problem. Letters were the most popular method of conveying messages and information. The[article error   ] high fees and long time needed to send a letter [lengthy delivery time   ]were salient disadvantages, not to mention the occasional loss of letters. My grandmother Christina lived in a remote village in the 1950s. She had a pen pal, Alex, who lived in Shanghai. They exchange[ grammatical error  ] letters every month. Before my grandmother moved to another city, she (wrote)[ grammatical error  ] a letter to inform Alex. But the letter (was missing and never reached)[ unparalleled/wordy  ] Alex, so they lost contact with each other. However, with the accessible 5G Internet and laptop, I can easily make [ readily  ]friends crossing [ across  ]geographical borders [/boundaries   ] efficiently and safely.

    What’s more, (the complete)[ unclear  ] urban infrastructure is improving our living quality. The universality of buses, (the underground)[ unclear  ], and planes can save our time. Limitations caused by geographical borders nearly disappear now[ are disappearing/diminishing  ]. We can reach any place we want in a day[ zero-conditional  ]. Moreover, (the blurring lines in the world)[unclear   ] contribute to (fastening the link)[  grammatical error ] between people[ word form error  ]. Distance is no longer a hedge. We can stride across a long distance with the help of modern transportations. But my grandparents never left their hometown until the 2000s. Also, theme parks, cinemas, and theatres make our life more colorful[ have also enriched our life/lives  ]. We can go to (varieties of)[ wordy  ] places to relax, which seemed impossible[was unlikely; since it happened and was a fact, no need to use conditional writing.  ] 50 years ago.

    It is indisputable that our life is becoming better[vague word   ] and better. We need to be grateful for what we own now.