Many students starting university must choose a major (main field of study at university), and parents of these students often give them advice about which major to choose. Some parents tell students to choose the major that most interests the students. Other parents tell students that it is best to choose a major that will lead to a job with a high salary, even if that major may not be the one that most interests the students. Which approach do you believe is better, and why?

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing  Many students starting university must choose a major (main field of study at university), and parents of these students often give them advice about which major to choose. Some parents tell students to choose the major that most interests the students. Other parents tell students that it is best to choose a major that will lead to a job with a high salary, even if that major may not be the one that most interests the students. Which approach do you believe is better, and why?

  • perryyu20040410
    University: none
    Nationality: China
    May 16, 2021 at 11:57 am

     Many students starting university must choose a major (main field of study at university), and parents of these students often give them advice about which major to choose. Some parents tell students to choose the major that most interests the students. Other parents tell students that it is best to choose a major that will lead to a job with a high salary, even if that major may not be the one that most interests the students. Which approach do you believe is better, and why?

    The university’s diploma proves that you have obtained professional skills in order to get a suitable job. Some people believe that students should choose majors that are easy enough to get a job. Because nowadays competition for getting a high pay job is still increasing from day to day. On balance, I would like to choose the major which I am genuinely interested in for the following reasons.

    To begin with, learning the major that you are interested in will prompt you to study harder and deeper in a specific field. In one word, most people are willing to concentrate on a field that truly attracts them. To illustrate, I studied biology in my senior high school as a result of research study during summer vacation. I was invited to enter the lab and observe the cell’s structure. I found out that every cell is like a small machine which works efficiently. As a result, I was highly attracted to molecular biology and read many researches in this field. At the same time, I was enthusiastic about studying biology so I always got an A in the  test. Therefore, I will pursue to insist on my interests and realize my dream to become a researcher.

    Besides, the conclusion of whether a particular major has low competition pressure is always delayed. To illustrate, my friend Tony first chose engineering as his major in his undergraduate years. But he found out that many people choose the same major as him at the same time due to the analysis difficulty of majors on the Internet. He felt regret about his decision because he wasn’t interested in engineering at all and was only thirsty for a high paying job. As a result, he didn’t accomplish his goal and stayed at home seeking a job because of high competition in the engineering field.

    In conclusion, it is acknowledged that it’s important for students to make attainable and suitable majors by themselves although getting a good job is also significant. Students will get neither good grades nor high paid jobs if they lose their enthusiasm.

    May 16, 2021 at 8:42 pm

    Score: ungraded


    1. About 30% of the sentences exceed 20 words. Simplify or split them. (TOEFL/IELTS: 15%- qualifies for non-software revision; 30% applies to GRE writing)
    2. About 40% of the sentences are passive; convert them into their active counterparts. (10%- qualifies for non-software TOEFL/IELTS/GRE writing revision );
    3. MOST sentences are confusing.

    I will send you screenshots to illustrate specific problems/errors.
