Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.(Full Score)

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing Samples (all perfect score) Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer.(Full Score)

  • September 17, 2019 at 2:12 pm

    TOEFL Writing Sample (Perfect Score) Neighbors are the people who live near us. In your opinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Use specific details and examples in your answer. (Full Score)

    [This essay is the sole property of Using it (except for personal learning purpose) on any media without written consent from will be subject to legal consequences. ]

    In recent years there has been a major trend towards urbanization in developing nations. This means that most people have many more neighbors than their great grandparents had 100 years ago.  Most people lived on farms or in rural settings at that time. For instance, if you lived on a farm the nearest neighbor might have lived more than 20 miles away. For this reason it wasn’t as common as it is today to have daily contact with your neighbors.

    Nowadays someone who lives in a big city might have millions of neighbors. For this reason, it is possible to have many more good neighbors in the 21st century than in the past. But of course that is not always the case since not all neighbors turn out to be ‘good’ neighbors.

    I think the qualities that make a good person are the same ones that will make a good neighbor. For instance, if all of the people in the neighborhood drive slowly when there are children in the area, it makes the community safer and happier. Since most adults go to work around the same time that the kids go to school, the difference between good neighbors and ‘dangerous’ neighbors is apparent. In this case, the good neighbors will drive very carefully!

    A good neighbor will also help whenever it is really needed. For example, if there is an emergency in your house (or apartment), it is great if you can call the neighbors who live nearby. The qualities of a good neighbor also include being friendly to others and taking good care of their property. If the neigbors who live in the house next door never mow their lawn and always shout at people who walk past on the sidewalk, then they are probably not very good neighbors. [300 words]

    Critical TOEFL Writing Rules

    [The NOTES below is the sole property of Using the NOTES without WritersForMe’s written consent will face legal consequences.]


    1. All of the prompts are from former TOEFL exams.
    2. The information available online, i.e., Google search results, is either misleading or wrong relative to length: [an organization] states independent essays should be between 280-320 words. More words than needed is equivalent to more opportunities to make a mistake. Students should be informed re: word count, i.e., MORE WORDS does not mean a higher score.
    3. Information concerning paragraphs/content available from [a TOEFL training school], etc. is also wrong: the number of paragraphs is irrelevant and the only important issue re: content is to RESPOND DIRECTLY to the prompt, i.e., the raters/software doesn’t care about structure or content except the latter must Make sense and Must directly respond to the prompt [to preclude prepared essays].
    4. UK usage/spelling is entirely acceptable.
    5. AVOID complex grammar; avoid ‘Chinese English’ usage; 5 tenses: present, past, future, present perfect [have done/has been], and conditional [would go/could do it] are OPTIMAL.
    6. Don’t rewrite the prompt in the first paragraph of your essay…it’s okay to paraphrase [use words that mean the same thing].
    7. Recent TOEFL change…students found test takes too long, so there are fewer multiple-choice questions, i.e., essays are now more heavily ‘weighted’]