Some people think all university students should study whatever they like

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. IELTS Writing Some people think all university students should study whatever they like

  • roderick
    University: ncwu
    Nationality: china
    September 1, 2020 at 2:51 pm

    Some people think all university students should study whatever they like. Others believe that they should only be allowed to study subjects that will be useful in the future, such as those related to science and technology. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

    The benefit and ideal seem like two parallel lines which don’t cross eternally. As in reality ,if people tend to obtain more profit from the marketing , he will usually has to sacrifice his dream. So, there are two divergent standpoint in electing the subject ,the one suggests that  students need to pay attention the utility of the subject ,and another argues that students follow their heart and selecting the subject which they truly eager to is more reasonable.

    Undoubtedlly, Both of them respectively have sufficient evidence to prove themselves like two soldier who equipped firm helmet and exquisite armour, lifted the sharp sword exclaim to each other.

    In the most circumstances ,people prefer to cost more sweat and endeavor to  the things which they are beloved .Thus , students are more possible to get achievement ,as well as even being a pundit in a field than the other subjects, In contrast, people will more easier to find a suitable job.

    To my self, I’m tend to the useful subject. Nowadays, many public accountant acclaim that people shouldn’t be drown out by the noise of other’s noise, following the inner voice unfeelingly . Nevertheless, the society is cruel ,the chilly reality decimates countless ideals which belongs to the students who are graduated recently. More and more infant get birth ,the capacity of the world is at the brink of the collapse .The increased menace of the working chance gradually emerge from the surface with the detrimental occupational pressure. So, may be choose a practical subject to cater the marketing is sensible.

    Justice won’t still be winner, Only the person who presents the justice triumph ,the justice triumph ,So in my mind ,people don’t eligible to talk about ideal when they are located in deprivation.

    September 2, 2020 at 9:12 pm

    Score: ungraded


    1. About 60% of the sentences exceed 20 words. Shorten/split them.
    2. About 30% of the sentences are passive. Convert some of them into their active counterparts.
    3. Wordy – remove unnecessary words
    4. Pronoun errors
    5. Spacing errors – after every comma and period add a space not before
    6. Article errors

    I will send you screenshots to illustrate specific problems/errors.

    University: ncwu
    Nationality: china
    September 4, 2020 at 2:35 am

    The benefit and ideal seem like two parallel lines that don’t cross eternally. As in reality, if people tend to obtain more profit from marketing, they will usually have to sacrifice their dream. So, there are two divergent standpoints in electing the subject. One suggests that  students need to pay attention to the utility of the subjects, and the other argues that students should follow their hearts and selecting the subject which they truly eager to is more reasonable.

    Undoubtedlly, Both of them respectively have sufficient evidences to prove themselves, like two soldiers who equipped firm helmets and exquisite armours, lifted the sharp swords exclaim to each other.

    In most circumstances, people prefer to sweat more and endeavor to the things which they are beloved. Thus, students are more possible to get achievement, as well as even being a pundit in a field. In contrast, people will more easier to find a suitable job if they are practical.

    I’m tend to the useful subject. Nowadays, many public accountants acclaim that people shouldn’t be drown out by the other’s noise, following the inner voice unfeelingly. Nevertheless, the society is cruel. the chilly reality decimates countless ideals which belong to the students who are graduated recently. More and more infants get birth, the capacity of the world is at the brink of the collapse. The increased menace of the working chance gradually emerges from the surface with the detrimental occupational pressure. So, maybe choose a practical subject to cater the marketing is sensible.

    Justice can’t still be winner forever, only the person who presents the justice triumphs, the justice triumphs. So in my mind, people aren’t eligible to talk about ideal when they are located in deprivation.

    September 9, 2020 at 3:00 am


    Score: ungraded


    1. Lots of grammatical errors. 
    2. About 15% of the sentences are passive. Convert some of them into their active counterparts.

    I will send you screenshots to illustrate specific problems/errors.

    University: ncwu
    Nationality: china
    September 11, 2020 at 2:41 am

    The benefit and ideal seem like two parallel lines that don’t cross eternally. As in reality, if people tend to obtain more profits from marketing, they will usually have to sacrifice their dream. So, there are two divergent standpoints in electing the subject. One suggests that  students need to pay attention to the utility of the subjects. The other argues that students should follow their hearts and select the subject they truly eager to is more reasonable.

    Undoubtedlly, Both have sufficient evidence to prove themselves, like two soldiers who equipped firm helmets and exquisite armors, lifted the sharp swords exclaim to each other.

    In most circumstances, people prefer to sweat more and endeavor to the things which they are beloved. Thus, students are more possible to get achievement, as well as even being a pundit in a field. In contrast, people are more easier to find a suitable job if they are practical.

    I’m tend to a useful subject. Nowadays, many public accountants acclaim that people shouldn’t be drowned out by the other’s noise, following the inner voice. Nevertheless, society is cruel. the chilly reality decimates countless ideals which belong to the students who are graduated recently. More and more infants get birth, capacity of the world is at the brink of the collapse. The increasing menace of the working chance gradually emerges from the surface with the detrimental occupational pressure. So, maybe choose a practical subject to cater marketing is sensible.

    Justice can’t still be the sole winner forever, only the person who presents the justice triumphs, the justice triumphs. So in my mind, people aren’t eligible to talk about ideal when they are located in deprivation.

    University: ncwu
    Nationality: china
    September 11, 2020 at 2:42 am

    I’m poor in grammer. Thus, It’s too difficult to find grammer errors.

    September 11, 2020 at 3:17 am

    (The benefit and ideal)[ unclear ] seem like two parallel lines that don’t cross eternally. As in reality, if people tend [grammatical error – subjunctive  ]to obtain more profits from marketing, they will [grammatical error – subjunctive  ]usually have to sacrifice their dream[ word form error ]. So, there are two divergent standpoints (in electing the subject)[ unclear ]. One suggests that students need to pay attention to the (utility of the subjects)[unclear  ]. The other argues that students should follow their hearts [word form error  ]and select the subject (they truly eager to)[ grammatical error ] is more reasonable.

    Undoubtedlly, Both have sufficient evidence to prove themselves, like two soldiers who equipped firm helmets and exquisite armors, lifted the sharp swords exclaim to each other.

    In most circumstances, people prefer to sweat more and endeavor to the things which they are beloved. Thus, students are more possible to get achievement, as well as even being a pundit in a field. In contrast, people are more easier to find a suitable job if they are practical.

    I’m tend to a useful subject. Nowadays, many public accountants acclaim that people shouldn’t be drowned out by the other’s noise, following the inner voice. Nevertheless, society is cruel. the chilly reality decimates countless ideals which belong to the students who are graduated recently. More and more infants get birth, capacity of the world is at the brink of the collapse. The increasing menace of the working chance gradually emerges from the surface with the detrimental occupational pressure. So, maybe choose a practical subject to cater marketing is sensible.

    Justice can’t still be the sole winner forever, only the person who presents the justice triumphs, the justice triumphs. So in my mind, people aren’t eligible to talk about ideal when they are located in deprivation.

    September 11, 2020 at 3:23 am

    Partial revision [ all sentences are problematic.]