Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  • Mkelvint
    University: TianJin University
    Nationality: Chinese
    March 10, 2021 at 11:04 am

    Some people say that the Internet provides people with a lot of valuable information. Others think access to much information creates problems. Which view do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    This statement is true that the Internet is a powerful instrument as well as a trouble. Depending on the different situations, it is natural to have a variety of responses towards this question. Simply, if you use it in a right way, it becomes a large database providing numerous knowledge for us; and if you use it in a wrong way, it becomes an evil who may creat some disasters.

    For starter, the Internet essentially is an assistant who is willing to give any information you need. For instance, during the last semester, I was asked to deliver a speech on garbage classification in ShangHai. Obviously, I had little idea about garbage classification, such as how they did it, why they did it and the effect of it. But fortunately, I had the Internet so that I searched out the Internet for some useful information and try to pull inspiration about how to present it. The internet answers all the questions above. In fact, all I needed to do was to transcribe them to the slides in an organized way. As a result, I gave an informative presentation. The database of the internet plays a important role in this process.

    However, arguing that being available to so much information is not always a good thing, some people don’t like the internet. Honestly, I cannot help but say this is ture. When we search for knowlegde or some news, they always accompanied with some negative news. Given that information could be widely spreaded, these bad news affect our society and our mind profoundly. For instance, as soon as people intentionally pass some rumors online, they will be introduced to lots of people located in different parts of the world. Such startling speed is able to ruin the reality.

    To sum up, we must moderately rely on the Internet, never too much.

    March 10, 2021 at 10:22 pm

    Score: ungraded


    1. About 20% of the sentences are passive; convert them into their active counterparts. (10%- qualifies for non-software TOEFL/IELTS/GRE writing revision );
    2. Lots of pronouns are unclear;
    3. Frequent shift of person.

    I will send you screenshots to illustrate specific problems/errors.

    University: TianJin University
    Nationality: Chinese
    March 11, 2021 at 1:45 pm

    The Internet can be both a powerful tool and a source of trouble. Used in the right way, this modern network serves as a large database; Misused, it could harm both users and society.

    For starters, as an assistant essentially, the internet is willing to provide any information you need. During the last semester, I needed to deliver a speech on garbage classification in Shanghai. Obviously, I had little idea about garbage classification, such as how they did it, why they did it, and the effect of it. But fortunately, searching on the Internet, I acquired so much useful information and also managed to pull inspiration through this process. As a result, all I needed to do was to transcribe them to the slides in an organized way. Finally, I gave an informative and logical speaking thanks to the internet.

    Arguing that being available to so much information can easily mislead people, some people stress that the internet has a bad influence on the modern world. Honestly, I cannot help but say this is true. When we search for knowledge or other valuable things, these messages are always accompanied by negative and fake information. Given that it could be widely and rapidly spread, it may lead to a situation, in which people regard the false things as the real things. For instance, if people intentionally pass some rumors online, these rumors will immediately appear on the front page of some websites. Considering that many people don’t have access to the realities, this behavior would severely affect people’s cognition of some events. With such a horrible ability, we should carefully use the internet by holding a rational and critical attitude towards what we receive

    To sum up, it’s feasible for us to moderately rely on the Internet, manipulating it to its advantage. And at the same time, we have better take care of its side effect.

    March 11, 2021 at 4:52 pm

    The Internet can be both a powerful tool and a source of trouble. Used in the right way, this modern network serves as[ becomes  ] a large database; Misused, it could harm both users and society.

    For starters, as an assistant essentially, the internet [inconsistent in word form: internet/Internet   ] is willing to provide [provides   ] (any information)[ zero-conditional  ] you[shift of person   ] need. During the last semester,[ for instance,  ] I needed to deliver a speech on[ /concerning  ] garbage classification in Shanghai. Obviously[wrong adverb   ] ,  I had [ had  ] little idea [/ knowledge  ] about garbage classification, such as how they [ unclear pronoun  ] did it[unclear pronoun   ] , why they[unclear pronoun   ] did it[unclear pronoun   ] , and the effect of it[ unclear pronoun  ] . [ punctuation error with coordinating conjunction  ] But fortunately, searching on the Internet, I acquired [helped me to acquire   ] so much useful information and [ inspiration  ] also managed to pull inspiration through this process. As a result, all I needed to do was to transcribe them to the slides in an organized way. Finally, I gave [, which allowed me to present  ] an informative and logical speaking thanks to the internet[pursuasive speech   ] .

    (Arguing that being available to so much information)[ unclear  ] can easily mislead people, [punctuation error   ] some people stress that the internet (has a bad influence on)[ wordy  ] the modern world. Honestly, I cannot help but say this is true. [ This statement has my endorsement.  ] When we search for knowledge or other valuable things[ wrong word/Knowledge is uncountable  ] , (these messages)[  unclear ] are always accompanied by negative and fake information. Given that it[ unclear pronoun  ] could (be widely and rapidly spread)[  unnecessarily passive sentence ] , it [unclear pronoun   ] may lead to a situation,[punctuation error   ] in which people regard the[article error   ] false things as the[ article error  ] real things. For instance, if people intentionally pass[grammaticall error   ] some rumors online, these rumors will [ grammatical error  ] immediately appear on the front page of some websites. Considering that many people (don’t have)[avoid using NOT   ] access to the realities, this behavior would severely affect people’s cognition of some events. (With such a horrible ability, we should)[ unclear ] carefully use the internet by holding a rational and critical attitude towards what we receive.

    To sum up, it’s[informal/unclear pronoun   ] feasible for us to moderately rely on the Internet, manipulating it to its advantage. [punctuation error with coordinating conjunction   ] And at the same time, we have[ wrong word  ] better take care of its side effect[ word form error  ] .