The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001. Cambridge 8 Test2 Task 1.

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. IELTS Writing The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001. Cambridge 8 Test2 Task 1.

  • Sinsoledad
    University: Nanjing University of Post and Telecommunication
    Nationality: China
    November 1, 2019 at 6:02 am

    IELTS Writing Topic: The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001. Cambridge 8 Test2 Task 1.

    The pie charts illustrate the five kinds of expenses of a UK school in three years.

    The school spended most of their money on teachers’ salaries, and it accounted for 50 percent which reached the maximum in 1991. While the ratio of other workers’ salaries had a declining trend from 21 percent in 1981 fell to 15 percent in 2001. Different from the downward tendency of the other workers’ saleries, the changes of the expenditure on insurance appeared upwards, eventhough it was still the least proportion in three years.

    The appearance of resources and furniture and equipment had fluctuations. The proportion of resources increased in 1991, however, the figure drop to 9 percent in 2001 which even less than a half of ratio in 1991. In contrast to resources, the figure of furniture and equipment fell in 1991 at only 5 percent, nevertheless, its proportion in 2001 achieved more than four times of 1991.

    In spite of the fluctuation of teachers’ saleries, it still  contributed the most ratios in three years, however, the spending on insurance is the lowest part in three years. And the changes on resources and furniture and equipment are opposite.

    November 4, 2019 at 5:36 pm

    Score: ungraded.

    IELTS Writing Topic: The three pie charts below show the changes in annual spending by a particular UK school in 1981, 1991 and 2001. Cambridge 8 Test2 Task 1.

    The pie charts illustrate the [ article error  ]  five kinds of expenses of [ preposition error  ]  a UK school in three years [unclear   ] .

    The school spended [  spelling error ] most of their [  grammatical error ]  money on teachers’ salaries, and it [ unclear pronoun] accounted [grammatical error] for 50 percent [punctuation error] which reached the maximum in 1991. While the ratio of other workers’ salaries had a declining trend from 21 percent in 1981 fell to 15 percent in 2001[grammatical error] . Different from the downward tendency of the[article error] other workers’ saleries[spelling error] , the changes of the expenditure on insurance appeared upwards,[punctuation error] eventhough [  spelling error] it was still the least proportion in three years.

    The appearance of resources and furniture and equipment had fluctuations. The proportion of resources increased in 1991, [ punctuation error  ] however, the figure drop [grammatical error   ] to 9 percent in 2001 which [grammatical error   ] even less than a half of ratio in 1991. In contrast to resources, the figure of furniture and equipment fell in 1991 at only 5 percent, [ punctuation error  ] nevertheless, its proportion in 2001 achieved more than four times of 1991.

    In spite of the fluctuation of teachers’ saleries [  spelling error ] , it still contributed the most ratios in three years, [ punctuation error  ] however, the spending on insurance is the lowest part in three years. And [ coordinating word/punctuation error  ] the changes on [  proposition ] resources and furniture and equipment are [ article error  ] opposite.