“Throughout the country last year, as more and more children below the age of nine participated in youth-league sports, over 40,000 of these young players suffered injuries. When interviewed for a recent study, youth-

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. GRE Writing “Throughout the country last year, as more and more children below the age of nine participated in youth-league sports, over 40,000 of these young players suffered injuries. When interviewed for a recent study, youth-

  • tina6666
    University: gtiit
    Nationality: china
    September 19, 2021 at 11:03 am

    “Throughout the country last year, as more and more children below the age of nine participated in youth-league sports, over 40,000 of these young players suffered injuries. When interviewed for a recent study, youth-

    In this argument, the author concludes that the youth-league sports have disadvantages outweigh any advantages, so we should discontinue organized athletic competition under nine. To demonstrate the conclusion, the author cites the injuries’ number, the report from youth-league soccer players, and the effect for academic activities. Close scrutiny of each facts reveals the recommendation based on several unpersuasive assumptions, if we can strengthen those assumptions, then the conclusion will more cogent.

    To begin with, the main assumption should be evaluated is most injuries’ players are under nine and their injuries all attributed to the sports. It is highly possible that the most injuries’ players were suffered not in the train time or in the game, and they can injured because they play outside by themselves. Another possible condition can undermine the result is the age of injuries’ players, we need more information about their age. The older children are likely not careful about themselves, also they do not want to follow their parents. In those cases, they will easier get injured because they have no guarantee from their parents. We need to rule out all the possible conditions to support the author’s assumption.

    In addition, it is unfairly assumed that all the interviewers had express the actual condition and no exaggerate the pressure. It is possible that the interviewers have no accurately express their own pressure, which from parents and coaches to win the games. We need to know what were they said to children, how they encourage them or give them pressure. If the parents only said something about the score or about their study, but for the children, they exaggerate the real condition to reporters. So, we need to know whether the coaches and parents really give them pressure to ensure they have no exaggerate the real thought of them.

    Finally, the author has no survey about the influence of sports for students, but she/he assume the sports must can affect the study because of the time it taken away. It is obvious the sports will attribute to academic time in some extent, if the sports happen in the weekdays in course time. However, if the sports only train in the evening or weekends and not so long time, one hour a day or several hours a week. In this way, the academic study would not affected by sports, and the author’s opinion will be weakened.

    To sum up, we need to provide other evidences to strengthen the assumption, if the assumption can be supported by further evidences, the author’s recommendation will more tenable.

    September 20, 2021 at 11:58 am

    In this argument, the author concludes that the (article error) youth-league sports have disadvantages (missing word here) outweigh any advantages, so we should discontinue organized athletic competition under (the age of) nine. To demonstrate the conclusion, the author cites the injuries’ number (the number of injuries), the report from youth-league soccer players, and the effect for (preposition error) academic activities. Close scrutiny of each facts (singular) reveals the recommendation (missing word here) based on several unpersuasive assumptions, if we can strengthen those assumptions, then the conclusion will more cogent.

    To begin with, the main assumption should be evaluated is most injuries’ players are under nine and their injuries all attributed to the sports. It is highly possible that the most injuries’ players were suffered not in the train time or in the game, and they can injured because they play outside by themselves. Another possible condition can undermine the result is the age of injuries’ players, we need more information about their age. The older children are likely not careful about themselves, also they do not want to follow their parents. In those cases, they will easier get injured because they have no guarantee from their parents. We need to rule out all the possible conditions to support the author’s assumption.

    In addition, it is unfairly assumed that all the interviewers had express the actual condition and no exaggerate the pressure. It is possible that the interviewers have no accurately express their own pressure, which from parents and coaches to win the games. We need to know what were they said to children, how they encourage them or give them pressure. If the parents only said something about the score or about their study, but for the children, they exaggerate the real condition to reporters. So, we need to know whether the coaches and parents really give them pressure to ensure they have no exaggerate the real thought of them.

    Finally, the author has no survey about the influence of sports for students, but she/he assume the sports must can affect the study because of the time it taken away. It is obvious the sports will attribute to academic time in some extent, if the sports happen in the weekdays in course time. However, if the sports only train in the evening or weekends and not so long time, one hour a day or several hours a week. In this way, the academic study would not affected by sports, and the author’s opinion will be weakened.

    To sum up, we need to provide other evidences to strengthen the assumption, if the assumption can be supported by further evidences, the author’s recommendation will more tenable.

    September 21, 2021 at 12:40 am

    Partial Revision (please fix similar errors, revise whole essay, and resubmit)
