• Xyp930712
    University: Anhui Agricultural University
    Nationality: China
    December 14, 2022 at 4:21 am

    Nowadays, people seem to pay more attention on which kind of universities can provide them the best educational experience. Some people prefer those colleges with smaller scale while others are more willing to attend larger universities. For me, I would like to do further study in those universities with larger scale.

    Admittedly, smaller colleges have more personal care on each student. Small colleges carry a tiny group of students comparing with larger universities. Students will have lessons with around twenty students instead of being immerged in a class with hundreds of classmates. As a result, teachers in these small colleges will know more about their students. And then give suitable suggestions for each student. Students can adjust their study plans or ways of learning. This will enhance the study efficiency with those personal advices from professors. The grades of each student can be largely improved. They will have better educational experience.

    However, what I would like to say is that larger universities can provide abundant resources for students. Large universities have greater financial supports to accumulate better resources. Schools can hire higher qualified professors and pay them. And there are more different majors and modern facilities. Therefore, students will have more optional courses for them to decide their careers in the future. As I mentioned before. Schools have more financial support to purchase advanced teaching devices, libraries with greater range of books, and even gyms. Students can find out more valuable resources for their essays. Meanwhile, they will get better relaxation. As far as I am concerned, greater sources of information a university have, better educational experience students will have.

    Because of the limited number of words, I will continue to attach in the next article; in addition, I will pay attention to the number of words next time I write

    December 14, 2022 at 9:21 pm

    Please provide the essay topic.
