TPO35 Integrated writing

  • Doris233
    University: University of International Business and Economics
    Nationality: China
    November 2, 2019 at 10:49 am

    The reading passage and the following lecture have a conflict about a manuscript written in unknown script. The reading puts forward three theories to explain the origin of this manuscript, which are  contradicted by the  lecture.

    First, the author claims that  Anthony Ascham could be the writer of this manuscript, since there are some similar illustrations of plants between the Ascham’s book and this manuscript. However, according to the speaker, this theory does not fit the information we learned about Ascham. There is no original content in Ascham’s work, like medicinal plants in his books are ordinary plants and have other sources. In this case, it is unlikely for Anthony Ascham to write a book with code to document common things.

    Second, the writer states that this manuscript is a fake created by Edward Kelley in sixteenth century in order to to extracted money. Nevertheless, the speaker views this point in an opposite angle. This manuscript is very complex and its content  like real code.People in sixteenth century were very fool. So it is not necessary for Kelley to put such work to earn money. He can write a simple one and sell to noble as well.

    Third, the author argues that the manuscript is a fake created by Voynich. But according to the speaker, this theory is not convincing. Since the ink and other materials in the manuscript were 400 years old. Even though Voynich can make or find other materials, it is impossible for Voynich to find ink which is as old as the ink in the manuscript.