tpo37 integrated writing

  • Iris111
    University: notyet
    Nationality: chinese
    September 20, 2021 at 2:16 pm

    tpo37 integrated writing

    In the lecture, the professor is skeptical about the idea of the reading passage that TEDs have several setbacks. However, he argues that TEDs are a very good way to help turtles escape and it should be a vital parts of equipment.

    First and foremost, in the reading passage, it is pointed out that turtles are just caught rarely and having TEDs will cost shrimpers some of their catch. In contrast, the professor maintains that it is true that this phenomenon is rare, but there are thousands of shrimp boats on the sea. And even each of them catch one turtle, there will be thousand of turtles being caught. Moreover, turtles are already in danger, so harming thousands of them will definitely be a big problem. To the second point mentions in the reading paragraph, the professor states that people have to think the population of shrimps and the population of turtles as a whole to recognize the indispensability of protection.

    Second, the professor then challenges the reading passage’s idea that there are alternative methods of protecting sea turtles that may be more effective that TEDs. According to the preofessor, it sounds good, but only in theory. The problem is that limit the time is not practical. Since there are thousand of boats everyday, it is hard for government to monitor all of them. However, with the help of TEDs, it will be more effective and convenient due to the fact that government can just simply check every boats to see whether they have equipped with TEDs when they leave the sea.

    Third, the reading passage addresses that TEDs are not effective for larger species of endangered sea turtles. However, the professor reveals that it is not a big deal since people can just simply make a larger one. TEDs can be modified easily without changing its function. Thus, after producing larger TEDs, this problem will be fully solved.

    September 21, 2021 at 12:48 am

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