As English becomes more widespread as a lingua franca, there is concern that the values and culture of the English-speaking world will displace native values and cultures. To what extent is this fear justified?

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. IELTS Writing As English becomes more widespread as a lingua franca, there is concern that the values and culture of the English-speaking world will displace native values and cultures. To what extent is this fear justified?

  • CarolineLu
    University: Suzhou University
    Nationality: CHINA
    May 13, 2020 at 1:58 pm

    As English becomes more widespread as a lingua franca, there is concern that the values and culture of the English-speaking world will displace native values and cultures. To what extent is this fear justified?

    The widespread of English,which is a lingua franca,has put some fear into the spotlight that exotic values and culture will extinct the native ones. From my perspective,the concern is largely unnecessary and my position will be elaborated as follows.

    For one thing,frequently-used as English is in the world,it is more likely that mandarin is a priority in our non-English speakers’ daily  life.Undoubtedly,language is a part of culture and values.So as a lawful inheritor of our native culture ,every one of us  gain a glimpse of our native glorious culture and virtue values from a very young age. These feelings are rooted in our heart and under no circumstances should they be replaced in a such short time. Therefore,foreign values and culture would not change our native values and culture in most cases.

    For another,the distinction between foreign values and culture and our native ones is so big  that many non-English speakers could not accept it. For instance,Chinese values include the traditional morality such as humbleness,ambition,obedience and diligence from our ancestors. However,English culture and values embody the openness,competition and freedom which to some extent go against Chinese tradition. So it is the barrier of cross – culture communication rather than replacement that is more likely to foster.

    Admittedly, western culture and values actually has global power in contemporary society.With the approching of Internet age,the invasion of western culture is becoming increasingly fierce. Thus,together with the extinction of our native culture,blind faith in foreign things might happen in our country if one  cannot discriminate from right and wrong. So based on the analysis above,the concern is largely unnecessary.

    Overall,though we cannot ignore its negative  influence to native values and culture,the concern is largely unneeded. While English invasion is inevitable,it is unlikely to replace the existing values and culture but will be enriching it by a new layer or dimension to it. What we should do is to distinguish between good and bad.

    May 14, 2020 at 2:19 pm

    Score: 40.1


    1. About 40% of the sentences exceed 20 words. Shorten/split them.
    2. About 25% of the sentences are passive. Convert some of them into their active counterparts.

    I will send you screenshots to illustrate specific problems/errors.

    University: Suzhou University
    Nationality: CHINA
    May 17, 2020 at 1:26 pm

    Nowadays,  whether the exotic language invasion would extinct native cultures and values has triggered  public concern.  From my perspective, the concern is actually unnecessary and my position will be elaborated as follows.

    For one thing , frequently-used as English is, mandarin usually takes priority over English in non-English speakers’ daily  life.Undoubtedly, language is a typical form of our culture and values. So as a lawful inheritor of our native language, one can gain a glimpse of our  native glorious culture and  values from childhood. These feelings are deeply rooted in our heart and under no circumstances should they vanish in a such short time. So culture invasion would not change our native values and culture in most cases.

    For another, culture difference is extremely obvious that many non-English speakers could not accept it. For instance, Chinese values include the traditional morality , such as humbleness , obedience and diligence from our ancestors. However, English values embody the openness, competition and freedom, which might go against Chinese tradition.Seen together, this concern seems to be a little naïve.

    Admittedly, western culture and values has global power in contemporary society, especially in the youth groups.With the Internet age approaching, the invasion of western culture is becoming increasingly fierce.Part of the juveniles have blind faith in foreign culture and values owing to their immaturity and a lack of critical thinking.But if we can discriminate from right and wrong, total westernlization is generally avoidable.

    Overall, while English invasion is inevitable, it is unlikely to replace the existing values and culture. Basically, what we should do is to think critically and think independently.By doing so , we can ensure that the invasion of English will increase culture cohesion to a new dimension instead of threatening native culture and values .

    May 19, 2020 at 12:53 am

    Score: ungraded


    1. About 40% of the sentences exceed 20 words. Shorten/split them.
    2. About 15% of the sentences are passive. Convert some of them into their active counterparts.

    I will send you screenshots to illustrate specific problems/errors.

    University: Suzhou University
    Nationality: CHINA
    May 19, 2020 at 7:48 am

    Nowadays, it has triggered public concern that whether the values and culture of the English-speaking world would displace native values and cultures. This fear is unnecessary from my perspective. I will present my views below.

    On the one hand, for people in non-English speaking countries, their mother tongue is usually more important than English in their daily life. Language is the carrier of values and culture. As the inheritors of their mother tongue, people have seen their own glorious values and culture from their childhood. These emotions are deeply rooted in their hearts and will not disappear in a short time. Therefore, in most cases, cultural invasion will not change native values and culture.

    On the other hand, cultural differences are so great that many people from non-English speaking countries cannot accept them. For instance, Chinese values include traditional morality, such as humility, obedience and diligence. However, the British values embody openness, competition and freedom, which is far from the traditional Chinese values.

    It is undeniable that western values and culture have global influence in contemporary society, especially for the youth group. Because of their immaturity, some teenagers have blind faith in foreign values and culture. But if they can think critically, complete Westernization can be avoided.

    In general, although English invasion is inevitable, it is unlikely to replace the existing values and culture. What we should do is to think independently and critically. In this way, we can enhance the cohesion of native values and culture to a higher level and resist the threat from English-speaking world.


    May 23, 2020 at 12:56 am

    Score: Ungraded

    Nowadays, it [ unclear pronoun  ] has triggered public concern that whether the values and culture of the English-speaking world would displace native[ wrong comparison  ] values and cultures. This fear is unnecessary from my perspective. (I will present my views below.)[Bad writing. A sentence contains no information.   ]

    On the one hand,( for people in non-English speaking countries, their mother tongue)[ bad writing; many pronouns being used prevent readers from finding the subject  ] is usually more important than English in their[  unclear pronoun ] daily life. Language is the carrier of values and culture. As the inheritors of their mother tongue, people have seen their own glorious values and culture from their childhood. These emotions are deeply rooted in their hearts and will not disappear in a short time. Therefore, in most cases, cultural invasion will not change native values and culture.

    On the other hand, cultural differences are so great that many people from non-English speaking countries cannot accept them. For instance, Chinese values include traditional morality, such as humility, obedience and diligence. However, the British values embody openness, competition and freedom, which is far from the traditional Chinese values.

    It is undeniable that western values and culture have global influence in contemporary society, especially for the youth group. Because of their immaturity, some teenagers have blind faith in foreign values and culture. But if they can think critically, complete Westernization can be avoided.

    In general, although English invasion is inevitable, it is unlikely to replace the existing values and culture. What we should do is to think independently and critically. In this way, we can enhance the cohesion of native values and culture to a higher level and resist the threat from English-speaking world.

