When you give money to charitable organizations, do you think that you should choose how the donation will be used

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing When you give money to charitable organizations, do you think that you should choose how the donation will be used

  • rigosetu
    University: Dalian Medical University
    Nationality: china
    October 16, 2020 at 1:07 pm

    When you give money to charitable organizations, do you think that you should choose how the donation will be used (for example, donate money on food or service or advertisement for organizations) or leave the decision to the organizations?

    With the accelerating development of our society, charitable organizations are sprout up to narrow the gap between rich and poor. However, the arguments that who has the right to dispose the donations have never been stopped. As far as I am concerned, it is wiser to leave the organizations to dispose the money because the organizations are more likely to make better decisions and are more capable to deliver the rescue in an efficient way.

    First and foremost, it is undeniable that organizations can make better decisions than individuals, since they can hire experts in different fields to help them make decisions. To be specific, on the issue of how to manage the money, before making decision, statistician can make the research of a certain area to figure out whether people in there need any donation or not and collect the data, then economists can analyze the data. Then they can draw the conclusion which benefits most, while such complex process has beyond my power. Therefore, in most instances, the decisions made by a person are not likely better than the organization did.

    Secondly, organizations can deliver the resource effectively if they own the right to make decision. Specifically speaking, there are a large amount of donations the organization has to address every day. If the decision made by individuals, asking every donator’s willing of how to deliver the money become necessary, yet inconvenient and inefficient. On the contrary, the time spending on this process can be saved if the organization make the decision directly and make the integration planning. The process of deliver the donation resource could be fast.

    Admittedly, some may argue that corruption may rampant in  the organization which may cause the breakdowns of public trust. However, this problem can be solved by building a supervision system so that people can learn that where their money is going.

    To conclude, it might true that make the decision by myself has several advantages. However, there sufficient evidence to prove that leave the decisions to the organization benefits more.

    October 24, 2020 at 2:53 pm

    Score: ungraded


    1. About 40% of the sentences exceed 20 words. Shorten/split them.
    2. About 20% of the sentences are passive. Convert some of them into their active counterparts.
    3. Article errors
    4. Preposition errors
    5. Verb form errors

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    University: Dalian Medical University
    Nationality: china
    October 25, 2020 at 7:26 am

    Nowadays, charitable organizations are sprout up to narrow the gap between rich and poor. Nonetheless, the arguments that who has right to dispose of the donations are various. From my prospective, leaving the organizations to make the decision is advisable. Because the organizations are more capable of making better decisions and delivering the rescue efficiently.

    Firstly, organizations can make better decisions than individuals. Because they can hire experts in different fields to help them make decisions. To be specific, on how to manage the money, before making decisions, statistician can make the research of an area to figure out whether people there need any donation or not and collect the data. Then, the economists can analyze the data and finally draw the conclusion that which way benefits most. On the contrary, I only make my decision basing on my preference, no to mention the analyze process.

    In addition, organizations deliver the resource in a more efficient way. For instance, there are a large amount of donations waiting for the organization every day. If individuals’ decision asking every donator’s willing to deliver the money becomes necessary, the delivering process will become inconvenient and inefficient. To be more specific, one donate just 100 dollars. He want to use this sum of money to buy some clothes and deliver them into 6 different families. Assume that asking one person’s willing require 2 minutes, how about asking thousands of people? However, if let the organization make the decisions directly, the time of asking will be saved. Therefore the whole process can be more effective.

    Admittedly, some may argue that corruption may rampant which may cause the breakdowns of public trust. Nevertheless, this can be solved by building a supervision system that people can learn where their money is going and passing legislation.

    To conclude, it might be true that make the decision by myself has several advantages. But sufficient evidence show that leaving the decisions to the organization benefits more.

    October 26, 2020 at 7:58 pm


    Score: 50.4


    1. Lots of grammatical errors.

    I will send you screenshots to illustrate specific problems/errors.

    October 26, 2020 at 7:59 pm

    Nowadays, charitable organizations are sprout up [ grammatical error ]to narrow the gap between [article error  ]rich and poor[ unsubstantiated statement ]. Nonetheless, the arguments that who has[ article error ] right to dispose of the donations are various. From my prospective[spelling error  ], leaving the organizations to make the decision is advisable. Because[grammatical error  ] the organizations are more capable of making better [lack of comparison  ]decisions and delivering the rescue[ wrong word ] efficiently.

    Firstly, organizations can make better decisions than individuals. Because they can hire experts in different fields to help them make decisions. To be specific, on how to manage the money, before making decisions, statistician can make the research of an area to figure out whether people there need any donation or not and collect the data. Then, the economists can analyze the data and finally draw the conclusion that which way benefits most. On the contrary, I only make my decision basing on my preference, no to mention the analyze process.

    In addition, organizations deliver the resource in a more efficient way. For instance, there are a large amount of donations waiting for the organization every day. If individuals’ decision asking every donator’s willing to deliver the money becomes necessary, the delivering process will become inconvenient and inefficient. To be more specific, one donate just 100 dollars. He want to use this sum of money to buy some clothes and deliver them into 6 different families. Assume that asking one person’s willing require 2 minutes, how about asking thousands of people? However, if let the organization make the decisions directly, the time of asking will be saved. Therefore the whole process can be more effective.

    Admittedly, some may argue that corruption may rampant which may cause the breakdowns of public trust. Nevertheless, this can be solved by building a supervision system that people can learn where their money is going and passing legislation.

    To conclude, it might be true that make the decision by myself has several advantages. But sufficient evidence show that leaving the decisions to the organization benefits more.

    October 26, 2020 at 8:03 pm

    Partial revision [ All sentences are problematic]