Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities.

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities.

  • 17500701
    University: Dalian University of Foreign Languages
    Nationality: Chinese
    December 8, 2021 at 9:06 am

    Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities.

    In our daily life, communities are indispensable part, which form a tighter bond between neighbour and let us feel warmer. However, nowadays seldom do youngsters participate in affairs of their communities, and it is a prevailing view that youngsters seldom concern themselves in their communities because they do not have available time. From my perspective, I consider that it is rational. My reasons and examples are given below.

    In terms of working pressure, there is a term called”996 work schedule”, which means that workers must work from 9 am to 9 pm, every Monday to Saturday. Such work timetable force the youngsters to immerse themselves in continuously working. Their daily life is filled with performance examination, bonus and wages, consequently it is impossible for them to spend time helping better communities. Taking me for example, I am working in a big company, everyday I avoid being surpassed by others, being exhausted from work, I have not available time to do other things.

    When it comes to cost of living, it also brings a lot of stress to the youngsters. During the period of COIVD19 pandemic, the price of daily necessity, such as rice, masks, vegetables are soaring. The youngsters must consider about how to reduce the expenditure and earn much money. It takes them munch time to make budget to save money. Moreover, many land agents improve the price of house, young people who are in working class have to get loan from banks, so the loan become their another nuisance. They must guarantee their living standard, then they can participate in affairs of communities.

    In conclusion, this generation have a amount of pressure from their daily life, everyday they are tired of dealing with working and living, their energy and time do not support themselves in pitching in bettering communities.

    December 8, 2021 at 1:25 pm

    In our daily life, communities are (missing article) indispensable part (word choice), which form a tighter (delete) bond between neighbour (plural) and let (make) us feel warmer. However, nowadays seldom do youngsters participate (young people seldom participate) in affairs of their communities (simplify), and it is a prevailing view that youngsters seldom concern themselves in their communities (some people believe this is) because they do not have available time. From my perspective, I consider that it is rational. My reasons and examples are given below (explain your argument, why do you agree with this statement?).

    In terms of working pressure, there is a term called”996 work schedule”, which means that workers must work from 9 am to 9 pm, every Monday to Saturday. Such work timetable force the youngsters to immerse themselves in continuously working. Their daily life is filled with performance examination, bonus and wages, consequently it is impossible for them to spend time helping better communities. Taking me for example, I am working in a big company, everyday I avoid being surpassed by others, being exhausted from work, I have not available time to do other things.

    When it comes to cost of living, it also brings a lot of stress to the youngsters. During the period of COIVD19 pandemic, the price of daily necessity, such as rice, masks, vegetables are soaring. The youngsters must consider about how to reduce the expenditure and earn much money. It takes them munch time to make budget to save money. Moreover, many land agents improve the price of house, young people who are in working class have to get loan from banks, so the loan become their another nuisance. They must guarantee their living standard, then they can participate in affairs of communities.

    In conclusion, this generation have a amount of pressure from their daily life, everyday they are tired of dealing with working and living, their energy and time do not support themselves in pitching in bettering communities.

    December 13, 2021 at 3:22 am

    Partial Revision (please fix similar errors, revise whole essay, and resubmit)