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  • amy
    University: SUIS
    Nationality: China
    July 24, 2021 at 6:14 am

    Nowadays, grown-ups and kids are able to work and study at home due to the widespread of technology. For some individuals, such advancement has been deemed a convenience. However, I consider that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages.

    First, let us begin by examining the positive aspects of the development input, which would be explored as a time saver. What I mean by that is that working and learning at home can avoid time lost in managing rush-hour traffic. Since traffic congestion is as yet prevalent today, individuals have to leave in advance to avoid getting stuck in traffic jams. The time saved by cutting-edge technology can be devoted to coping with more tasks or developing hobbies. In addition, teleworking can help us cope with unnecessary social contacts and meaningless meetings.

    The second main plus is that it can provide more time for labour and students to support their family members and reinforce family ties. Since they are all at home, they are able to spend lunch together and communicate more. Aside from that, overtime work may be avoided.

    Turning to the other side of the argument, the likelihood of working from home is less effective because there are more distractions. At the point when people work and learn at home without a leader, they are easily entertained. You may find yourself ending up sitting in front of TV and playing video games. Tasks can be rushed to low quality.

    Another issue is that working and studying at home reduce face-to-face interaction. As a result, individuals may feel a sense of isolation. Given that you work or study alone at home, there are few opportunities to reach out to other associates and exchange ideas and information with them.

    After assessing the benefits and the drawbacks, I consider this development to be negative as it renders human beings isolated.