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  • Ann
    University: Shanghai University
    Nationality: China
    April 24, 2021 at 1:04 pm

    With rapid social advancement, people attach great importance to university education. Therefore, Some people claim that it is essential for universities to put more money on classes and libraries because academic facilities are critical to education. As such, I believe that sports and social activities are as important as classes and libraries and should receive equal financial supports.

    To begin with, sports could strengthen students’ body. With ample financial support for sports, facilities such as running machines,swimming pool and dancing rooms in the gym could  enable students to exercise. What’s more, participating in sport competitions would help students to learn more about team work and strengthen their willpower.To be more specific, all the members need to cooperate to accomplish a common goal. For example, the offensive part of the basketball game provides great opportunities to teach students to be unselfish and stick on it. Therefore, financial support on sport is as equally important as that of classes and libraries.

    Moreover, participating in social activities constitutes a stepping stone to one’s future career. Only after fully involved in social activities in person can students truly understand society. To be more specific, it enables them to fully prepare for their career and find a job with a decent pay .For example, students can do some field works such as interviewing people, gathering information about social issues and working at company as an intern. During the process, their employable skills such as communicating and thinking abilities get exercised .

    From what has been discussed above, I draw a conclusion that sports and social activities should receive same financial supports, because both of them contribute to students’ health and personal career.