Ava Zeng
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

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  • Ava Zeng
    University: Tianjin University
    Nationality: China
    February 23, 2022 at 2:37 am

    With  globalization, there is a debate about whether visitors are supposed to follow local customs and behaviours or the host country is supposed to be inclusive of differences.

    There are some reasons why people from other countries should obey local customs and regulations. To begin with, people who are willing to follow local customs show respect to the host country, avoiding to make misunderstandings. For example, in some countries, local people prefer to have meals with hands rather than forks, knives, or spoons. On this occasion, there is no doubt that visitors can bring cutlery by themselves, but it is strange for local people, which means a kind of disagreement with local culture. Besides, following customs and behaviours is also an opportunity for visitors to experience local culture more deeply. Since many individuals who travel to another country intend to experience a different culture and taste various food, it is necessary for them to follow local customs, such as wearing costumes with local features, attending celebrations with special rites.

    And other people hold a different view that the host country should welcome cultural differences. In fact, differences exist in different cultures because each culture is unique. And local people who have lived in the country for a long time,  accustomed to such customs, while visitors cannot adapt to a different lifestyle or culture immediately, so it is understandable that visitors do not follow local behaviours.

    From my perspective to create a harmonious atmosphere and image of the country, local people should be enthusiastic and inclusive to visitors, and they can even offer some guidance and instructions for tourists so that they can adapt to the environment rapidly. On the other hand, tourists are supposed to try to respect local culture, immersing themselves in the trip.