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Your Replies

  • Bacon
    University: Henan University
    Nationality: Chinese
    November 16, 2021 at 2:59 am

    It would be very helpful! Thanks!

    University: Henan University
    Nationality: Chinese
    November 13, 2021 at 3:52 am

    Many people use eletronic products everyday(on a daily basis). In my opinion, I agree with the idea that overuse of phones and computers makes people lose the ability to communicate face to face because it costs us a lot of time.


    The development of electric devices has made communications more convenient. We can talk to others at any time through calling or chat apps on our devices. Therefore, we rarely talk to others in person because we don’t need to find them. In addition, extensive use of phones and computers affect our work and study in life. For example, we can attend a conference online or have distance learning, which reduces the opportunities to interact with others.


    On the other hand, frequent use of phones or computers may raise the risk of being addicted to the internet, thus making people seldom communicate with others. Many people spend a lot of time on computer games or television programmes. As a result, less time is used(used) to talk to others. Moreover, once we fall into the virtue reality, it will do damage to communication skills. We may feel it hard and stressful when communicating without speaking to real people during a period of time. This(This) means we may lose the ability to talk to others after we adapt to speaking to people through phones and computers.


    In conclusion, I believe that overuse of phones and computers will make us lose the ability to communicate with others face to face.

    Besides,I’m a little confused about some words in parenthesis.I’m wondering what’s the problem with them…

    University: Henan University
    Nationality: Chinese
    November 8, 2021 at 11:16 am

    Many people use electric products on a daily basis. In my opinion, I completely agree with the idea that overuse of phones and computers makes people lose the ability to communicate face to face because it costs us a lot of time.

    The development of electric devices has made communications easier. We can talk to others at any time through calling or chat apps on our devices. Therefore, we rarely talk to others in person because we don’t need to find them. In addition, popular use of phones and computers have an effect on our work and study in life. For example, we can attend a conference online or have distance learning, which reduces the opportunities to interact with others.

    On the other hand, frequent use of phones or computers may raise the risk of being addicted to the internet, which makes people seldom communicate with others. Many people spend a lot of time on computer games or television and this costs a large amount of time. As a result, less time is used to talk to others. Moreover, once we fall into the virtue reality, it will do damage to communication skills. We may feel it hard and stressful when communicating without speaking to real people in a period of time. This means we may lose the ability to talk to others after we adapt to the way to speak to people through the phones and computers.

    In conclusion, I believe that overuse of phones and computers will make us lack the ability to communicate with others face to face.