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  • CreatorSSS
    University: Shandong University
    Nationality: China
    April 4, 2022 at 4:31 pm

    Television advertising directed towards young children created lots of profits for companies, and such a fact leads impressionable people to generate the opinion that the advertising should be developed further. However, such a statement suffers from both logical and factual fallacies. As far as humanity, efficiency, and quality are concerned, I strongly hold that advertising directed toward young children should be forbidden.

    First and foremost, the advertising betrays the principle of humanity, as it takes advantage of love for children and gets children to persuade their parents to buy. Meanwhile, the psyche of children is childish and immature, easy to mislead. It is apparent that the companies only need to take some impressive advertising shows like some cartoon characters for attracting children’s attention, and then the children would beg their parents to buy the products for them. Not to mention that most parents would buy the products because if they don’t, their children will cry and scream to make them crazy. Therefore, the way of using children for sale is inhuman and should be forbidden.

    Furthermore, the fact that the reliability of people to advertising has been going down indicates that the way is inadvisable and will further reduce the reliability. Take the case of the Crest toothpaste, which advertised “whiten teeth in just one day” and employed the famous actress Elephant Dee as spokesperson on TV, but it is a trick as the white teeth just were added by the computer after that. Finally, Crest’s company was punished by the government with 3 million CNY. In addition, what the company lost is not only the money but also its reputation. Think about it, who will buy products from a notorious company? Using children for sale violates the law of some places and will make people feel cheated, too.

    Nevertheless, a voice arises that whatever stimulating consumption can improve economic growth. Ironically, the cost of short-time economic growth is a decline in quality, because the attention of companies to trick consumers causes the neglect of quality, and the consumers would never buy those products whose quality is shoddy anymore. Eventually, that will be harmful to long-term economic growth. Therefore, for the quality of products and long-term economic growth, the trick should be banned.