Daisy Yu
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

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  • Daisy Yu
    University: GNNU
    Nationality: China
    September 25, 2020 at 2:19 pm

    Unlike early times, young couples  living in present day prefer to have youngests late in life. There are several factors contributing to this phenomenon, and it has caused some impacts on this society and their family life

    First of all, because more and more companies are showing their preference to those who have a higher level degree, an increasing number of people choose to study further to meet the requirements of their ideal career. Being immersed in their study, people have less time and energy to make plans for future family life, including rearing a child, which results in a delay in childbirth.

    In addition, the modern life’s high living expense has stressed many young couples, which may make them hesitate to have a child very early after they set up a family. Considering the spending on raising a child, young couples might opt to save money first, and will not choose to have a child until the savings covers the expense for a child’s education or life.

    However, having a child late in life has some negative effects on society and family life. One is that it may quicken population ageing, which directly leads to a shortage of labor force. It may also increase a lot of burden on couples as they have to face a huge generation gap. They might already be seniors and their children are still teenages and they may often have arguments over many things due to differences in interests.

    To sum up, the delay in childbirth is mainly attributed to the needs of people’s further study and the stress of their economic situation, and the problems arising from this delay should not be ignored.