TruckersForMe Participant TruckersForMe Participant

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  • improvewriting
    University: Beijing telecommunication university
    Nationality: Chinese
    October 5, 2022 at 9:31 am

    The topic of whether working three days a week for long hours is more enjoyable than working five days a week for shorter hours is a controversial one. Some may hold opinions that working three days a week is more convenient and enjoyable. From my perspective, however, it’s unreasonable to say so.

    Working five days a week improves work efficiency. People always tend to manage their working schedule at the beginning of the week. When they have five days to deal with the coming difficulties, it allows them to make full use of everyday and discuss the issue with workmates at work time. However, once we work three days for a longer time, most of us need to deal with the deadline, which makes us busy every day. When we are busy finishing the work, we can’t always do it on schedule and waste time on different affairs.

    Working five days a week enhances the bonds between workmates. With the development of modern companies, many works tend to be made by many people. Hence, meeting and talking with our workmates is very normal for clerk on weekdays, which strengthen the bonds with workmates. At the same time, having a great relationship also contributes to our enjoyable work. In comparison working three days a week a for a longer time may let us miss the chances to communicate with our workmates.

    Working five days a week allows us to enjoy a more convenient weekend. It’s true that working three days a week allows people to stay at home and rest for four days. However, working long hours in the past three days will make them exhausted at weekends. Instead, people who work five days a week for shorter hours enjoy a more relaxing weekend. Longer weekdays make most of them become more energetic at weekend. They will enjoy their valuable rest time with enthusiasm.

    University: Beijing telecommunication university
    Nationality: Chinese
    September 5, 2022 at 4:16 pm

    Today many people surf on the Internet and enjoy the convenience which is brought by online access. Some may argue that governments should offer Internet access to all of their citizens at no cost. However, as far as I’m concerned, it’s unreasonable to say so.

    Firstly the Internet is not as significant as basic necessary now. It’s true that the Internet allows many people to broaden their horizons and enjoy their online time without stress. However, without the Internet, we still have many ways to enjoy our life. If we don’t have roads or food and water, we can’t even turn to help. Hence, the Internet is not so important at all.

    In addition, it’s unreasonable to ask the government to offer Internet access to citizens at no cost. There are many basic expenses in our daily life, we need to pay for food and drink. We can’t live without it. So everyone needs to pay the bill for their life. We can’t always depend on the government, because there are still many people need the money to change their life now. The government’s money is limited, we should let them use the money to do more meaningful things like help the children attending school and having breakfast.

    Last but not least, we can’t enjoy the convenient life for granted. Many farmers contribute to our society by working hard day by day in order to let everyone eats the food. Our government spends millions of dollars in order to transform water from the south to the north. So how could we just use it for granted? Many engineers work day and night in order to maintain the access to the Internet. Paying the bill for the important things in our life is also a great way to reward them. It’s our turn to repay their hard work.

    All in all, the Internet actually changes our lives in many ways, but in my opinion, it’s unnecessary to do that.

    University: Beijing telecommunication university
    Nationality: Chinese
    September 5, 2022 at 4:03 pm

    With the development of modern technologies, people use technological devices more frequently. Some may argue that when a new technological device becomes available, they always buy it right away. However, in my opinion, it’s unreasonable to do so.

    Buying new technological devices spends lots of money. As we know that new technological devices are always more expensive than normal devices. Buying it right away means we need to spend more money than the people who purchase it a few months later. At the same time, unlike the house, technological devices become cheaper over time. However, nowadays the price of the house is  much expensive than before, but the latest smart phones’ price are always the same. So from my point of view, it’s not a good choice for us to buy a new technological device right away.

    Technological devices change very fast. Buying a new device right away can’t let us keep it updated for a long time. After a few months, there will be more intelligent devices come out. So it’s hard for people to keep updated devices all the time. At the same time, if we choose to wait until many people have adopted it, we can still use most of the services on the latest devices. As far as I am concerned, many new functions are unnecessary for most of us. For example, 5G mobile phone is the latest device, which attracts many people to buy it. However, many people couldn’t really tell the major difference between 4G phones. The improvement of the phone’s speed can’t actually change our feelings. So I think just waiting until many have adopted it is a good idea, which allows us to know the advantages and disadvantages of the new technological devices.

    All in all, in my opinion, with the development of modern technologies, there will always come out a better technological device in the future. So it’s not necessary to have it right away. Saving money to improve ourselves is a better choice.

    University: Beijing telecommunication university
    Nationality: Chinese
    September 5, 2022 at 9:32 am

    With the development of modern technologies, people use technological devices more frequently. Some may argue that when a new technological device becomes available, they always buy it right away. However, in my opinion, it’s unreasonable to do so.

    Buying new technological devices spends lots of money. As we know that new technological devices are always more expensive than normal devices. Buying it right away means we need to spend more money than the people who purchase it a few months later. At the same time, unlike the house, technological devices become cheaper over time. For example, ten years ago, we can buy a delicate house in Beijing which worth 100 smart phones at that time. However nowadays, Beijing’s houses worth 1000 smart phones. So from my point of view, it’s not a good choice for us to buy a new technological device right away.

    Technological devices change very fast. Buying a new device right away can’t let us keep it updated for a long time. After a few months, there will be more intelligent devices comes out. So it’s hard for people to keep updated device all the time. At the same time, if we choose to wait until many people have adopted it, we can still use most of the services on the latest devices. As far as I am concerned, many new functions are unnecessary for most of us. For example,  5G phone is the latest devices, which attract many people to buy it. However, many people couldn’t really tell the mainly difference between 4G phones. The improvement of the phone’s speed can’t actually change our feelings. So I think just waiting until many have adopted it is a good idea, which allows us to know the advantages and disadvantages of the new technological devices.

    All in all, in my opinion, with the development of modern technologies, there will always come out a better device in the future. So it’s not necessary to have it right away. Saving money to improve ourselves is a better choice.

    University: Beijing telecommunication university
    Nationality: Chinese
    September 5, 2022 at 8:28 am

    Today many people surf on the Internet and enjoy the convenient which is brought by online access. Some may argue that governments should offer Internet access to all of their citizens at no cost. However, as far as I’m concerned, it’s unreasonable to say so.

    Firstly the Internet is not as significant as basic necessary now. It’s true that the Internet allows many people to broaden their horizons and enjoy their online time without stress. However, without the Internet we still have many ways to enjoy our life. If we don’t have roads or food and water, we can’t even turn to help. Hence, the Internet is not so important at all.

    In addition, it’s unreasonable to ask government to offer Internet access to citizens at no cost. There are many basic expenses in our daily life, we need to pay for food and drink. We can’t live without it. So everyone needs to pay the bill for their livings. We can’t always depend on the government, because there are still many people need the money to change their life now. The government’s money is limited, we should let them use the money to do more meaningful things like help the children attending school and having a breakfast.

    Last but not least, important things don’t mean we can enjoy it freely. Many farmers contribute to our society by working hard day by day in order to let everyone eats the food. Our government spends millions of dollars in order to transform water from the south to the north. So how could we just use it for granted? Many engineers workday and night in order to maintain the access of the Internet. Paying the bill for the important things in our life is also a great way to reward them. It’s our turn to repay their hard works.

    All in all, the Internet actually changes our lives in many ways, but in my opinion, it’s unnecessary to do that.