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  • jasminewhoxx
    University: 中国传媒
    Nationality: China
    July 30, 2020 at 11:11 am

    It is true that a great number of people are suffering from sicknesses as a result of stress. There are a variety of reasons for this, but steps can be taken to tackle the problems.

    In my opinion, three main factors are to blame for the growing number of illnesses caused by pressure. Firstly, modern life is incredibly stressful. With people flooding into cities, prices are rising, which contributes to a surprisingly high cost of living. Thus, only by working harder under huge pressure can people survive in this competitive world. Secondly, people are ignoring their mental health. It is impossible to stay away from those sicknesses caused by pressure for people who overlook the importance of mental health. Finally, unhealthy lifestyle is another driving force. Skipping breakfast or eating excessively has a sensational influence on our psychological condition. It is the whole package.

    These concerns above can certainly be improved. I believe that the change must start with developing a healthier lifestyle. The first step is to do exercise regularly as possible as one can. Aerobic exercise, such as running and swimming, is effective at letting off some steam and strengthening our body. Exercise makes all the difference. Furthermore, stress can be reduced by making leisure time a priority and recharging ourselves. Relaxation does not always mean a luxury escape to an island; it could also be something quite simple. For example, movie time alone after a long day at work, a phone call to your best friend, lighting up a candle while meditating before bed. At the same time, it is equivalently important to get professional help. Do not be embarrassed to open up to the therapists, as they would love to be supportive and give you practical pieces of advice to deal with stress until you find your inner peace.

    In conclusion, there are several factors causing anxiety illnesses and solutions exist to fix the problems.

    University: 中国传媒
    Nationality: China
    July 24, 2020 at 4:51 am

    It is true that the number of overweight children is growing at an alarming rate. There are a variety of possible reasons for this, but steps can be taken to tackle the problems.

    In my opinion, three main factors are to blame for the obesity problem of children. Firstly, they have a unhealthy eating habit. Snacking around-the-clock is a vicious habit many are guilty of. Eating at night is definitely not a good idea. Secondly,unhealthy lifestyle influenced by parents could be the most important reason. It includes not only a lack of exercise, but also a messed-up rest schedule. Their rate of metabolism may slow down after staying up late at night, children are too exhausted to get regular physical activities. Finally,low on confidence. There is a high chance that overweight children may get body-shamed by other children because of their appearance. It could be too stressful to handle all this at a young age, which could lead to emotional eating.

    Those problems above can certainly be improved. I believe that the change must start with the parents. They should act as role models to cultivate their children to develop good habits. The first step is to keep regular hours and help the body clock adapt to a fixed routine. For example, pick a bed time and wake-up time and stick to them as much as possible. At the same time, these masseurs should be supported by  regular aerobic exercise like running and cycling. It is very effective at burning calories and strengthening children’s bones. Moreover, the best way to control weight is to stick to a reasonable diet,eat healthier and refuse greasy food. It is parents’ responsibility to control what their children eat. Vegetable and fruit are essential to a healthy diet. In addition, the help of a mental health professional might be needed for overweight children.

    In conclusion, there are multiple factors causing obesity among children and possible solutions exist to improve this poor situation.