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  • jennie123
    University: Zhejiang University
    Nationality: China
    January 11, 2021 at 8:29 am

    People have different views about whether children should make decisions on their parents’ or on their own. Personally speaking, I think the second view that making decisions on children’s own is more desirable.

    For the first view, some people think they should help their children when making daily decisions,  because parents think they could take advantage of the time to communicate with their children. When children find they can decide their lifestyle as they would like, some children may think there is no need to tell their parents about specific details of their life. Therefore, there are few possibilities for children to share daily information with their parents. Consequently, some children gradually become indifferent .

    For another view, some may argue that children should learn to make their decisions in daily life to prepare for making crucial ones . Many experts say that children should be capable of choosing college and occupation. Nevertheless, children still need to make effort step by step. Children who have more autonomous rights normally tend to be more mature. By learning how to tackle simple matters, children will grow their outlook and values earlier than their peers.

    In my mind, I don’t think it is necessary for parents to make decisions for children on daily matters. After all, children could not rely on their parents all the time. In case of children’s indifference, parents can accompany their kids  by spending more time having meals with their children. In this way, parents could have a closer relationship with their children. As children get used to make significant decisions, they will outdo their peers in many aspects when getting into society.