Joanna Yang
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

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  • Joanna Yang
    University: SiChuan University
    Nationality: China
    May 26, 2021 at 6:31 am

    A controversial issue in recent years is which is more important for the government to improve the network or public transportation. Some people believe that it is worthwhile to spend more money on public transportation for its benefits. However, I think the government should promote  the improvement of Internet access.

    To begin with, Internet access is beneficial to the development of local economy. When Internet is accessible, residents can start a business online, which can help people to earn more money and improve their living standard. Moreover, it can also offer more jobs to local people after building some relevant factories with the help of Internet access. And there is no doubt that these industries relating to Internet are more profitable than traditional ones.

    Moreover, Internet access is also the key to the innovation of technology. Once people develop the Internet access, we can accept new ideas, which can broaden their horizons and improve their innovative ability. Imagine that, when people know about a new educational technology, they can apply it to the classroom and kids can learn a lot of advanced knowledge so that their creative thinking can be developed at a young age. In that way, we can promote both of educational and scientific level .

    Admittedly, some people may concern that Internet access require a lot of money and often needs to be updated and maintained. However, I don’t think that’s why we don’t develop Internet access. Although Internet access is high cost, it can bring huge economical benefits. Moreover, compared with Internet access, the establishment of public transportation is also expensive, at the same time, it not only is less beneficial than Internet access, but also has potential dangers, such as accidents.

    As a conclusion, as I illustrate above, I think it’s a better choice for government to spend money to improve Internet access, for Internet access can be help for local economy and prompt the innovation of technology.