joe is zhou123
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  • joe is zhou123
    University: university
    Nationality: China
    November 29, 2020 at 2:13 pm

    Being a controversial issue, young people have aroused a great deal of attention in public and triggers a heated discussion over whether today’s rules are too strict for young people. Some people state that young people should obey and follow these strict rules. However, in my perspective, I do think the rules today are too severe for young people. Because strict rules today have impeded youngsters’ progress.

    Firstly, relatively loose rules will be conducive for young people to have various possibilities in the future. As technology and society roars, this world has already allowed diversified development to coexist. To be more specific. Young people have more than one way to achieve their goal instead of obeying the outdated and strict rules, such as traditional education. In the past, all young people have to go to school and receive conventional education, according to teachers and textbooks. But today, many young people can also become successful according to other ways. For example, many young people who don’t obey and follow the rules choose to become professional E-sport game players to become famous.


    Secondly, strict rules will not be beneficial for young people to cultivate ingenious thinking. To explain it much further, strict rules on expression will harm the freedom of speech, and do the rules will impede the advance of technology. People are encouraged to express some certain and same point that obey the rules, and the strict rules will punish some individual but ingenious  views. Therefore, it’s more likely to restrict humans’ ingenuity. By contrast, some inventions today were created by some young people who don’t follow the mainstream.

    Admittedly, some strict rules can prevent the young who don’t require the ability to distinguish something bad err from the right path. But, strict rules can’t control every situation. It’s more important for young people to cultivate their self-discipline.

    In conclusion, today’s young people need some looser rules, which can provide a fertile ground to show their talent and diversity.

    joe is zhou123
    University: university
    Nationality: China
    November 22, 2020 at 8:32 am

    Being a controversial issue, young people have aroused a great deal of attention in public and triggers a heated discussion over whether today’s rules are too strict for young people. Some people state that young people should obey and follow these strict rules. However, in my perspective, I do think the rules today are too strict for young people.

    Firstly, the rules that relatively loose will be conducive for young people to have various possibilities in the future. As the technology and society roars, this world has already allowed diversified development coexist to be more specific. Young people have more than one way to achieve their goal instead of obeying the outdated and strict rules, such as traditional education. In the past, all young people have to go to school and receive conventional education according to teachers and textbooks. But today, many young people can also become successful according to other ways. For example, many young people who don’t obey and follow the rules choose to become professional E-sport game players to become famous.


    Secondly, strict rules will not be beneficial for young people to cultivate ingenious thinking. To explain it much further, not only strict rules on expression will harm the freedom of speech,but also do the rules will impede advance of the technology. People are encouraged to express some certain and same point that obey the rules, and the strict rules will punish some individual but interesting views. Therefore, it’s more likely to restrict human’s ingenuity. By contrast, some grand inventions today are created by some young people who don’t follow the mainstream.

    Admittedly, some strict rules can prevent the young who don’t require the ability to distinguish something bad err from the right path. But, strict rules can’t control every situation. It’s more important for young people to cultivate their self-discipline.

    In conclusion, today’s young people need some looser rules, which can provide a fertile ground to show their talent and diversity.