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  • leedan
    University: ZJU
    Nationality: China
    October 4, 2021 at 4:27 pm

    Although history courses may not help university students learn particular and fashion technologies, such as command shell and software development, I still believe that everyone should take history courses because we can have a valuable opportunity to access both profound wisdom and precious knowledge in these courses.

    First and foremost, history courses will impart vital wisdom, helping avoid stupid mistakes and making the best choices, to university students. In history, there are numerous successful or unsuccessful people showing their magnificent or miserable experiences. I think most of these young and ambitious students with unmatured minds can be beneficial by learning these life experiences in history courses when they need to make decisions in their life. Even though not every student is able to be successful by taking history courses, these wrong decisions that have happened in history will never be tragedies of these students’ lives because of their learning experience in history courses.   Take my friend, Jerry, as an example. Without taking any history courses, Jerry graduated from our university in 2015 and decided to participate in a tiny corporation. History has already provided that the big corporations are a better choice for graduated students because of better environments, more formal bureau, and more amiable colleagues, which can help you grow up faster. Because jerry never has history courses, he made a definite mistake at last. Now he is fired by the little corporation without any new offer, regretting missing all history classes.

    Secondly, history courses can help university students understand their native culture better. Many phenomena contained in your native culture can be attributed to history. If you do not know these crucial phenomena, you may be stuck in embarrassing scenes when traveling abroad. Take myself as an example. Invited to introduce my culture during the progress, I attended an international summer program last month. At discussion time, I was asked a challenging problem: “where is the origin of your first name?”, which never came to my brain. I clearly remembered the question was taught in a history class rather than any other class; however, at that lesson, I went out of the classroom instead of listening to the teacher carefully. If I had all courses cautiously, I would never be in this awkward scene.

    In conclusion, in my opinion, the history courses are necessary for each university student even if their majors are not history.