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  • September 4, 2019 at 4:05 pm

    Final Revision: TOEFL Writing Topic: It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.
    Final Revision

    Living in the countryside or a big city has both its virtues and defects. Compared with adults, it is easier for children to be affected by the environment. Choosing the environment is essential for them. However, there is a debate about whether growing up in the countryside or a big city is better for children. In my view, growing up in these two environments has different benefits.

    On the one hand, children growing up in the countryside can get closer to nature since the industry and the economy are comparatively not very advanced, while the suburban environment is better than in a big city. Furthermore, breathing fresh air and playing in nature frequently are both advantageous for children’s physical and mental health. In addition, the environment in the community is purer in the countryside. Children can enjoy harmonious relationships with other people, which is helpful for their mental development.

    On the other hand, growing up in a big city can broaden children’s horizons. Teachers with higher ability and more abundant educational experience are more common in big cities; thus children would enjoy a higher quality of education. Moreover, growing in big cities paves the way for children to adapt fast-paced modern lives. However, they need to withstand heavier living pressure at the same time. Additionally, the possibility that children could get poor eyesight might become higher due to over-use of electronic devices.

    In conclusion, growing up in the countryside and big cities would have different but positive influences on children. To me, these benefits play the same critical roles in terms of children’s growth. In this situation, I do not agree with the statement that it is a better choice for children to grow up in the countryside.

    September 4, 2019 at 2:55 pm


    We all agree that our parents were the first teachers we had. They taught us to walk and talk when we were infants. Parents, without doubt, are two of the most indispensable teachers in one’s life, but are they the best teachers? I mean, everyone in his or her lifetime will encounter dozens of teachers. Some of them are fantastic, yet some fail to fulfill their duties properly. There is no reason why one’s first teachers are the best teachers one can get. Some parents are not even good people, so how can they be the best teachers?

    A couple needs no training or examinations to become parents, so we cannot guarantee their qualification as parents, and thus leave open the possibility that those underqualified parents could possibly be their children’s best teachers. I heard that in some remote place a father taught his 2-year-old son to smoke, and a pair of parents told their primary school child to fight and hurt his classmates. For this kind of people, parenting is the last thing in the world they deserve. Unfairly, however, any couple can become parents by giving birth to a baby.

    Some parents meet the preconditions to be good parents and some are even excellent professional teachers, though, raising a child can still be a tough challenge. This is because parents who pursue a self-fulfilling life or successful career, despite their individual excellence, often cannot take good care of their children. Parenting is a quite demanding job. Nearly all of the parents have their regrets for failing to better fulfill their parental responsibilities.

    Only painstaking and self-sacrificing parents have an opportunity to be the best teachers; they must have a strong spirit, positive attitude, and willingness to sacrifice their life after work and even their career to accompany their kids; their fair personalities set good examples for their children. Therefore, these parents, beyond doubt, are the best teachers for their children.

    September 4, 2019 at 4:00 am

    Final Revision

    September 4, 2019 at 2:27 am

    Final Revision

    September 3, 2019 at 10:19 pm

    Score: 15.2

    I will send you screenshots via WeChat to demonstrate the problems/errors in relation to your essay. Revise your essay and submit your essay again for review and revision.


    Lin Qiu

    September 3, 2019 at 10:13 pm

    Score: 49.3

    I will get back to you shortly.


    Lin Qiu

    September 3, 2019 at 9:56 pm

    Score: 61

    You need to convert passive sentences into their active counterparts and shorten/split sentences exceeding 20 words. (Not all, but most).

    I will send you screenshots to demonstrate the problems/errors in relation to your essay.


    Lin Qiu

    September 3, 2019 at 9:23 pm

    Online education reduces the gap between children from diverse regions. Lower tuition helps the poor to afford it a quality education and relieve life pressure. Additionally, it is this way that affordable tuition also ensures that any student to can have an equal opportunities opportunity for learning knowledge from renowned professors. Traditional learning, nonetheless, with which often involves a higher fee, is often and also restricted by different areas such as small towns  that where some teenagers in small towns have no chance to enjoy high quality high-quality courses.



    The relations, admittedly, are fairly worried about their children who travel or work after they gratuate graduate from high school. As They are nervous because either going outside or facing society in advance often has have certain unsafe factors such as traffic jams and or deceivings. Nevertheless, the policy for protecting individuals’ personal safty safety is hard and fast. Meanwhile, our society societal security is perfect on a/the daily basis that unsafe incidents have rarely occured occurred.

    September 3, 2019 at 9:03 pm

    Score: 39.6

    Suggestions for Improvement

    • Convert passive sentences into their active counterparts;
    • Shorten/split sentences exceeding 20 words.

    I will also send you screenshots in relation to the essays’ mistakes and problems.


    Lin Qiu

    September 3, 2019 at 8:52 pm

    Score: 74.7

    I will get back to you shortly.

    Lin Qiu

    September 3, 2019 at 8:43 pm

    Score: 67.5

    You need to shorten your essay to 320-words before I work on it. I will also send you screenshots in relation to the essays’ mistakes and problems.


    Lin Qiu

    September 3, 2019 at 8:23 pm

    Score: 46.8

    Suggestions for Improvement

    • Shorten/split sentences exceeding 20 words;
    • Shorten essay to 320-words.

    Problems Highlight

    Education, the foundation of future success, has been valued [passive]and even triggered a heated discussion over whether young children should be required[passive] to study art and music. [wordy ]In many people’s views, children aged from five to ten should not spend extra time and energy to learn art and music. Contrary to other people’s opinions is my perspective that children can be placed [passive]as beneficiaries by learning art and music subjects, [ punctuation error ] due to the contributions to their academic learning and personal development.[wordy ]
    First of all, studying art and music subjects benefits young children in academic learning, including expanding knowledge basis and triggering their learning interests. [wordy ]To begin with, studying art and music subjects can provide young kids with the/an access to a wide range of knowledge. To explain it further, young children can learn knowledge in different areas beyond their compulsory courses such as science, history and math, which is vital to expand their horizons at a [article error  ]early age;On on the contrary, if they are not given the chance to learn art and music subjects, they are less likely to learn something in other fields.
    Moreover, studying art and music is also a good way to boost children’s interests. In detail, in art or music classes, students have the opportunity to watch some documentaries or movies related to art or music and appreciate some famous artworks or classical music, which can trigger students [ conventions/students’ ]interests to explore new things; howeverHowever, young children will be easy to feel tired if they only learn some theoretical courses like/such as science and math.[ unparalleled concepts/math is a branch of science]
    What should be equally worth discussing is that learning art and music courses are conducive to students [ conventions/students’ ]personal development, including well-developed time management skills and persistence. Initially, additional courses encourage young students to make a balanced balance study schedule and cultivate their time management skill. [wordy ]To be more specific, young children, with the requirement of learning art and music in addition to other subjects, will learn to allocate their time to finish their different[ repetition /various] study tasks in different courses. [wordy ]Moreover, never should we ignore the significance of cultivation of perseverance. Specifically, young children will encounter difficulties and setbacks when studying art and music subjects, which creates a good opportunity for these children to foster persistence. [wordy ]

    Comment: There are more errors than those highlighted ones. Please revise and resubmit your essay for further assessment and revision.  Regards.

    [Please share this essay (copy URL) on your WeChat Moments or relevant social media if you like my revision. Thank you!]

    WritersForMe Writing Tips

    1. Absolute Statement: Avoid using absolute statement.
    2. ARTICLE ERROR: errors concerning a, an, the. This is a prominent issue for Chinese students. Make sure to add/remove/change articles considering a specific context.
    3. BE VERBS: BE verbs are dull and vague. Use concrete verbs to replace BE verbs whenever needed. I.E. commercials are beneficial to children. – Commercials benefit children.
    4. COHERENCE: To improve the natural flow from one sentence to the other, make the subject of a sentence echo the subject, or the object, of the last sentence.
    5. COORDINATING CONJUNCTION error: In formal writing, a comma is needed when the 7 coordinating words (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so – FANBOYS) are connecting sentences/clauses.
    6. Effectiveness: use verbs instead of BE+adjectives to improve effectiveness.
    7. Grammatical Errors: grammatical mistakes.
    8. It + Be + Verb:  Wordy.
    9. Logical confusion. Although a sentence is grammatically correct, often it is logically/factually confusing. Having written a sentence, ask yourself if the sentence is logically complete, and/or factually true.
    10. NOT problem. Experienced writers often avoid using NOT in English writing. I.e. Jack was very upset because he had not passed the GRE test. – I.e. Jack was very upset because he had failed the GRE test.
    11. PASSIVE VOICE: In many cases, clarity suffers when using passive voice. In particular linguistic contexts, using passive voice is fine.
    12. Semicolon: Use a semicolon in front of an adverb/adverbial phrase.
    13. Subjunctive: Memorize the grammatical rules for subjunctive mood.
    14. There Be Sentence: Wordy
    15. Unclear Pronouns: A pronoun (it, this, that, they, them., etc) unclearly refers to the prior content. For example, the first sentence contains two singular nouns, so IT in the second sentence can refer either of them.
    16. Unparalleled Structure:  use paralleled structures, including tense.
    17. VERBOSE: The sentence/phrase can be simplified.
    18. WEAK VERBS: an alternative verb may help improve sentence effectiveness and clarity. The Internet makes us know many things. – The Internet helps us (to) know many things.

    Would like to know how to write Statement of Purpose and Personal Statement? Please visit

    September 3, 2019 at 8:16 pm

    Score: 56.6.

    I will get back to you shortly.

    September 3, 2019 at 8:13 pm

    Score: 72

    I will get back to you shortly.


    Lin Qiu

    September 3, 2019 at 2:55 am

    Score: 72.9

    Please revise your essay based on the following, and then resubmit your essay.

    • Shorten your essay to 320- words.

    I will send you the screenshot via WeChat in relation to your essay problems.


    Lin Qiu