Lisa Chen
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

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  • Lisa Chen
    University: Changchun University of Technology
    Nationality: China
    February 20, 2021 at 1:56 am

    Nowadays employees are suffering from a lot of problems. For instance, they have to check and to reply to job-related e-mails even after work.

    To reduce staff’s complaints and release their pain, some of their bosses have come up with an idea. According to their idea, during employees’ free time, anyone in the company cannot send e-mails to him. However, would employees be more content with their job after such measures are put into action? In a pessimistic view, I think not. Too many factors have led to their discontentment. Here I am going to explain only one of them.

    People, especially those ordinary employees, always get too few salaries from their work. I have a story here about one of my classmates. After graduating from college, he got a job. It offered him with only about 5,000 RMB per month. With these salaries he could only afford daily budgets like those for making meals and renting an apartment. At the end of a month, there was often only less than 500 RMB on his account.

    Obviously, such little balance did not allow him to buy a house of his own in 10 years. In my country, it is extremely impossible for a man to live in a rented house all his life. Thus a house of one’s own is an essential need for surviving in a city.

    It was evident that around 500 RMB a month was far not enough for even the down-payment of a house. At that time, down-payments were already at least 100,000 RMB. And the price was even increasing rapidly. Under such huge pressure, he once thought about quitting his job. Of course, he failed, since he could not find a new one with better salaries – there just were not.

    Years later, his salaries increased to 6,000 RMB per month. But the money he gained could still not meet his need for purchasing a house. He became more and more worried. Every time I went to visit him, he would definitely talk about high prices of houses and his low salaries.