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Your Replies

  • lydia
    University: Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)
    Nationality: Chinese
    April 9, 2021 at 6:47 am

    Rules and laws serve as regulatory tools with high efficiency. A society where people violate them at will would face tremendous problems in functioning. I believe it is not practical for people to have complete autonomy or follow strict rules and laws, which will be detrimental to society.

    Pursuing personal interests without any rules tends to obstacle social progress. People are more likely to maximize their selfish rewards facing the scarcity of resources in a society. Those who want more profits by sacrificing the forests without restriction, for example, would cause a significant waste of natural wealth. This capital-first performance will prevent economic production from benefiting all sectors of society. The imbalances will eventually threaten humans and nature.

    Society will not go on well if there are no rules and laws to supervise people’s behaviors. People are easily influenced by passionate or crazy moods and act out of control in extreme conditions. For instance, the public is prone to create chaos when they are allowed to take away whatever they want from others. Such a situation will gradually deteriorate into unexpected conflicts and seriously affect social welfare if there are no constraints to discover and stop promptly.

    Admittedly, imposing tightened rules and laws may not work for the function of society. People may well lose creativity in voicing themselves and contributing to the construction of society under severe punishments. In that case, society fails to work in a dynamic and lively way.

    In conclusion, a lack of regulations will not guarantee the sustainability and security of social operations. Despite that, harsh laws could serve an adverse purpose sometimes.

    University: Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)
    Nationality: Chinese
    April 8, 2021 at 11:41 am

    Rules and laws serve as regulatory tools with high efficiency. A society where they are allowed to be violated at will would face giant trouble in functioning. In my opinion, it is not practical for people to have complete autonomy or follow the strict rules and laws, which will be detrimental to the operation of society.

    Pursuing personal interests without any rules tends to obstacle social progress. People are more likely to maximize their selfish rewards facing the scarcity of resources in a society. Those who want more profits by sacrificing the forests without restriction, for example, would cause a huge waste of natural wealth. This capital-first performance will prevent economic production to benefit all sectors of society and eventually break the balance between human society and nature.

    Society will not go on well if there are no rules and laws to supervise people’s behaviours. People are easily influenced by the passionate or crazy mood and act out of control in some extreme conditions. For instance, there will be an increasing number of robberies to ruin the peace process when the public exclaim for absolute equality in property and take away whatever they want from the rich in chaos. Such a situation will gradually deteriorate into unexpected conflicts and damage the safety of society if there are no constraints to discover and stop promptly.

    On the other hand, tough rules and laws may not work for the function of society. People may well lose creativity and contribute little to the construction of society under severe punishments. In that case, society fails to work in a dynamic and lively way.

    In conclusion, lacking in regulations will not enable society to function well in sustainability and safety, although harsh laws could serve an adverse purpose sometimes.