Pu Yunfan
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

Your Replies

  • Pu Yunfan
    University: 上海交通大学
    Nationality: 中国
    August 20, 2020 at 12:41 pm

    The pie charts illustrate the proportions of three different kinds of nutrients (sodium, saturated fat, and added sugar) consumed in the USA during four meals, which could be unhealthy for people if taken in too much.

    In terms of sodium and saturated fat, dinner accounts for the most significant proportions of the two nutrients consumed-with 43% and 37%, respectively. Then lunch comes second, with both of the two nutrients reaching nearly 30%. By contrast, snacks contribute to 42% of added sugar, which is much higher than that taken in the other meals. Besides, it is also noticeable that the smallest percentage of each nutrient comes from breakfast. The consumption of sodium, saturated fat, or added sugar during breakfast is no more than 16%.

    Overall, in the USA, dinner, and lunch are the major sources of sodium and saturated fat. However, snacks constitute a relatively substantial proportion of added sugar.

    Pu Yunfan
    University: 上海交通大学
    Nationality: 中国
    August 19, 2020 at 4:55 am

    The pie charts illustrate the proportions of three different nutrients (sodium, saturated fat and added sugar) consumed in the USA during four meals, which could be unhealthy for people if taken in too much.

    In terms of sodium and saturated fat, dinner accounts for the most significant proportions of the two nutrients consumed, with 43% and 37% respectively. Then lunch comes the second, with both these two nutrients reaching nearly 30%. By contrast, snacks contribute to 42% of added sugar, which is much higher than that taken in the other meals. Besides, it is also noticeable that the smallest percentage of each nutrient comes from breakfast. The consumption of sodium, saturated fat or added sugar during breakfast is no more than 16%.

    Overall, in the USA, dinner and lunch are the major sources of sodium and saturated fat, while snacks constitute a relatively substantial proportion of added sugar.