ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

Your Replies

  • RASF
    University: University of Chinese Academic of Social Sciences
    Nationality: China
    October 22, 2021 at 5:01 am

    I believe parents have been involved more widely in children’s education than any time before. During the last few decades, nobody can deny that tremendous changes have taken place in modern society, and parents can participate in their children’s education with a variety of new methods.

    In modern society, more parents than before have been aware of the responsibility of children’s education. In a way, those who are parents now are the victims of the absence in their education of their parents. That is, from their perspective, one of the factors leading to the lack of communication between them and their parents. Consequently, my parents chose to spend much leisure time and even work time to educate my younger sister in person while my grandparents, who lack such awareness, kept telling them it was their hard work but the company the best education of my younger sister.

    Secondly, due to technology development, there are fewer barriers against parents who want to contribute to their children’s education. In the old days, people always thought that parents’ careers and participation in their children’s education were hard to go hand in hand. Nevertheless, with electronic equipment and network, parents can easily keep in touch with children. And their leaders, who are probably also parents, usually allow them to deal with their children’s education during work from time to time. Last year I went to my primary school to see my teacher, who happened to hold a parents’ meeting. To my surprise, busy were them, they could still attend the meeting by Zoom or other software while working. In my memories, it was bitter but unavoidable that my parents were absent from such a meeting because of work.

    In conclusion, it is undoubted that parents today have both the inner motivation and exterior conditions to be more involved in their children’s education.