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  • Ric
    University: university
    Nationality: china
    October 12, 2021 at 1:15 am

    Some people claim the best time to plant a tree is 20 years ago, and the second-best time to plant a tree is now. Therefore, we should always take action immediately. However, life is not as simple as planting a tree, because patience can benefit us in many aspects.

    First of all, being patient and waiting till the right time can achieve the goal more effiectively. When we  patiently wait, we are able to have more time to think and get a better understanding of what we are about to achieve and how can we accomplish it effiectively. Take me as an example, before I start an airtical, I will spend time on finding out what actually I want to write, what the structure it should be, if it is logical, and other lots of things. Only when I prepare well, will I start to write. As a result, I use less time than I start to write immediately and think how to write in progress.

    Addintion to the efficiency, it may lead to a unpleasant result if something is done right away. It is not hard to understand that several perticular things have to be done in special time or you may hurt someone. I can still recall a friend in high school, who was intellignet but over confident. It was countless the times he interrupted teachers in classes because he thought teachers just said something wrong and he wanted to discuss about it. I do not complain about the correcting teachers is wrong, it is just the bad time he chose. I believe it is much wiser for him to be patient and discuss the problem with teachers in personally after the class so teachers can tell us the right answer in next classes.

    By way of conclusion, based on the argument explored above, I uphold my position, for most case, it would be wiser to be patient than taking action at once.