RJ Daniel
TruckersForMe Participant TruckersForMe Participant

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  • RJ Daniel
    University: PKU
    Nationality: China
    April 16, 2019 at 2:50 am

    History is an improtant subject in university.But there is a question that if it is necessary for all students.That explains why universities focus on arguing that if the whole students should be required to take history courses.As for me, I would like to support taking history courses to all students in university.

    To being with, taking history courses can help students to know the past things.We know that experience help us avoid doing wrong things, which somebody has done before.And it is history that make people get the experience.Therefore it is vital for us to take history courses.Some people may argue that not everybody is president, so we don’t need to knowing everything.Actually, in some country like American, every citizen have rihgt to vote. So people will decide the future of their county.Thus, as what I said before,taking history courses is crucial.

    In addition, history teach students about cherishing.Looking the history of human beings, it’s a miracle that we can live a so harmonious life. My grandfathers has enrolled.He always told me, you can’t imagine how our life will be without ancestors’endeavor.As a college student,we can’t only focus our sight between our life.We ought to care about the world.

    The other choice seems reasonable at first glance, but it is totally wrong after deep thought.History courses will not bury students’ abundant college life.It’s meaningful as what I said above.We need to make people get the essential knowledge about the past.And it’s give us a chance to know your life further. Thus,I strongly suggest that all university students should be required to take history courses.