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  • rzjt151
    University: shandong university
    Nationality: China
    September 23, 2020 at 8:32 am

    I agree that punishment is necessary to help children learn the difference between right and wrong.

    Firstly, if children know the bad behavior will lead to punishment, they can be more cautious before action to avoid punishment. For example, in my country, children drop rubbish in the playground will be punished to clean the toilet. In this way, students are encouraged to drop rubbish in right place. Secondly, punishment help children learn the bad consequences of breaking rules, which have a positive effect on their development in the future. When they become members of communities, they can understand the importance of obeying the laws in societies. For instance, juvenile delinquency like robbery and theft will contribute to life in prison. Finally, punishment is an effective way to correct children’s behavior, which has been using for thousands of years. The adequate experiences of impressive punishment shaped what we are today, we learn to take responsibility and self-regulated because we know the right behavior link to a better life.

    In my opinion, punishment is kind of a process with several steps to help children learn the right behavior. The first step of punishment is always to correct attitude by apologies. Children should acknowledge that they do wrong things before they solve the problems or take the responsibilities by themselves rather than parents. During this step, Parents and teachers can provide some advice and guidance to help children to solve these problems. For example, if children broke a glass in the classroom, they should apologize to the students who are scared. They should also replace the glass by asking for help from parents. Then parents should calculate the budget link to a list of work that children can do to earn this money by themselves.

    In conclusion, parents and teachers can complete punishment by steps to educate children about the right behavior.

    University: shandong university
    Nationality: China
    September 11, 2020 at 3:01 am

    Educating children about the difference between right and wrong is a tough task for parents and teachers.  There are many measures to help children become good citizens. Punishment is one of the most common methods because of tradition or great efficiency. I believe that punishment should be adopted with the consideration of children’s self-esteem.

    Punishment works pretty well because of the sense of blame. Doing the wrong things is regular for children as they learn the distinction between right and wrong by identifying the adults’ responses. After making lots of mistakes, they become mature mentally. Therefore, parents and teachers need more patience for the unavoidable process. They are able to classify the level of mistakes and match the appropriate punishment.  If children have realized the unpleasant results and felt ashamed by their mistakes, parents and teachers would better forgive them.

    Violence should be banned in any circumstances, because it may cause children’s unhealthy development. Parents and tutors should focus on the reasons why children do wrong things rather than using violence. Do they lack self-discipline? Or learn from bad students? Or copy the behavior in action movies or violent videos? Parents and teachers have to provide specific advice or guidance for children according to their conditions.  There are some available simple punishments, such as cleaning the house or classroom, doing the voluntary job for a better neighborhood, or writing an apology letter. These punishments are able to teach them how to take responsibility.

    Above all,  punishment is an effective method to educate children on the difference between right and wrong, but personal situation and self-esteem should be referenced by parents and teachers.