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  • scarlett_
    University: WUHAN Institute of Design and Sciences
    Nationality: China
    December 5, 2021 at 4:59 am

    People have different views about whether the success of sports is determined by mental attitudes. Although the fittest and strongest physical qualities contribute to the success of individuals and teams in sports, I still believe that mental attitude is the key to success in sports.


    There is no doubt that higher physical fitness will help the athletes. Firstly, sports require a lot of effort, especially the winner needs to face different opponents in a short period of time, which requires the winner to have a strong body. Secondly, good physical fitness means self-discipline, athletes need to maintain strong muscles through constant physical training, and a lot of practice will make athletes more familiar with the rules of the game.


    It is important to maintain a steady mood in sport also, as the winner is not allowed to be overly nervous or overly proud during the race. For example, in a basketball game, one player needs to quickly develop a strategy based on the actions of the other player. Good mood adjustment helps athletes develop strategies calmly and accurately. In the long term, a positive attitude will help athletes to have confidence in the game, hard work, and stick to the last second.


    In my opinion, the success of sports depends on mental state. A healthy and strong body can help athletes actively participate in sports, but only with the help of good mental state can muscles be used more wisely to achieve ultimate success in the competition.