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  • sushisheep
    University: Stanford
    Nationality: Chinese
    January 11, 2023 at 9:52 am

    Global warming has been exacerbated in recent years, so many governments adopted many measures to address this issue. It includes raising gasoline and electricity prices to help people protect the Earth. Raising gasoline and electricity prices is not the only effective way to encourage energy conservation to me.


    I agree increasing gasoline and electricity prices can encourage conservation. It will force people to preserve energy, since people need to conserve energy to save money. This method will work quickly since it affects people’s daily lives, and most people want to reduce their spendings. Raising gasoline and electricity prices also has some disadvantages. Blue-collar people will be put under a lot of financial strain because their budget is tight. These workers have to spend all their salaries on necessities of their lives. They also have no awareness of using new energy resources. Raising gasoline and electricity prices may give these workers a hard life. To solve this problem, there are actually more ways to encourage energy conservation.


    First, the government can give lectures to raise people’s awareness of protecting the environment. Lectures can emphasize the importance of being green. They can also remind people of energy conserving. Since people will proactively conserve energy, giving lectures is long-term effective. People will be willing to protect the environment and encourage others to do the same. My brother and his neighbors once have lectures to know the importance of saving energy. After having the lecture, people began to preserve energy and remind others of that. They were aware of the significant of being green.


    Second, the government can offer awards for people who are saving the environment. It will be effective because awards can inspire people. People will conserve energy if they receive rewards for doing so. Besides, they will feel proud of themselves for saving the environment. People will not receive economic pressure, either.


    In brief, raising gasoline and electricity prices isn’t the only way for governments to encourage energy conservation. Giving lectures to people is a good choice, and offering awards also works.


    University: Stanford
    Nationality: Chinese
    January 5, 2023 at 11:20 am

    Nowadays, the issue of global warming is more serious. As a result, the government usually raise gasoline and electricity prices to help people protect the Earth. I believe it is not the only effective way to encourage energy conservation.

    I agree increasing gasoline and electricity prices can encourage conservation. It will force people to preserve energy, since people need to be e-friendly to save money. This method will quickly function since it affects people’s daily lives, because most people wants to reduce their budget. However, raising gasoline and electricity prices also has some disadvantages. It will cause heavy economic pressure on blue-collar citizens since they mostly already have a tight budget. These workers have to spend all their salaries on necessities of their lives, and they also have no awareness of using e-friendly energy resources. Raising gasoline and electricity prices may give these workers a hard life. To solve this problem, there are actually more ways to encourage energy conservation.

    First, the government can give lectures to raise people’s awareness of protecting the environment. Lectures will remind people of energy conservation, and they can tell people the importance of being environmentally-friendly. At the same time, giving lectures is long-term effective since people will proactively conserve energy. People will be willing to protect the environment and encourage others to do the same. My brother’s neighborhood once offered free lectures to show people the importance of conserving energy. After that, people began to preserve energy and remind others of that, because they were aware of the significant of being green.

    Second, the government can offer awards for people who are environmentally-friendly. It will be effective because awards can inspire people. If people are awarded for conserving energy, they will probably conserve energy to get those awards next time. They will also feel proud of themselves, both for getting the prize and for helping the environment. People will not receive pressure economically, either.

    In conclusion, increasing gasoline and electricity prices isn’t the only way for governments to encourage energy conservation. Giving lectures to people is a good choice, and offering awards also works.

    University: Stanford
    Nationality: Chinese
    January 3, 2023 at 12:40 pm

    I have done some revision by myself and I have already submitted my previous article revision.

    University: Stanford
    Nationality: Chinese
    January 3, 2023 at 12:40 pm

    Nowadays, global warming is an important issue. Governments usually raise the price of gasoline and electricity to help people be green. I believe this is not the only effective way to encourage energy conservation.

    I agree increasing the price of gasoline and electricity is efficient to encourage conservation. It will force people to preserve energy. People need to be green to save money. This method will quickly function since it affects people’s daily lives. Everyone wants to reduce their budget. However, it also has some disadvantages. It will cause heavy economic pressure on blue-collar citizens since they already have a very tight budget. These workers have to spend all their salaries on daily products. They also have no access to e-friendly energy resources. Raising the price of gasoline and electricity may give them a hard life. I believe there are more ways to encourage energy conservation.

    First, governments can give lectures to warn or educate people. Lectures will remind people of energy conservation. They can help tell people the importance of being environmentally-friendly. At the same time, giving lectures is long-term effective. People will proactively conserve energy. They are willing to protect the environment and encourage others to do the same. My brother’s neighborhood once offered free lectures to show people the importance of conserving energy. After that, people began to preserve energy and remind others of that. They were aware of the significant of being green.

    Second, governments can offer awards for people who are being green. Awards are more effective than punishments. If people are awarded for conserving energy, they will be green to get those awards. They also feel proud of themselves, both for getting the prize and for protecting the environment. People will not receive pressure economically, either.

    In conclusion, increasing the price of gasoline and electricity isn’t the only way for governments to encourage energy conservation. Giving lectures to people is a good choice, and offering awards also works.





    University: Stanford
    Nationality: Chinese
    January 3, 2023 at 12:24 pm

    People’s lives are increasingly affected by the Internet and public transportation. However, neither Internet nor public transportation is fully developed, so they both need subsidies from the government. In my opinion, Internet and public transportation need the same amount of government funding since both of them can improve our lives.

    Using public transportation is an environmental-friendly and efficient way to travel. People needn’t worry about traffic jams or accidents, so they can preserve their time for other valuable things. At the same time, the price of public transportation is low. Public vehicles provides an economic way for students and poor people to travel. Most public vehicles are green. Since they produce little or no pollution, it is good for the environment.

    However, public transportation is not popular among citizens. Many citizens prefer to drive cars or call taxis. Since public transportation is beneficial, the government should provide enough subsidies to improve public vehicles.  The government should also make policies to encourage people to travel by public transportation.

    The Internet also affects people positively. The Internet makes access to information easier and more efficient than before. people today can know news all over the world while staying at home. The Internet provides all kinds of information, and it gives people chances to become knowledgeable. The Internet also makes amusement and communication easier. People can talk to their friends who arefar away from them, and they can also enjoy online programs to entertain or to reduce stress levels. However, some people still do not know how to get information from the Internet. These people’s lives are inconvenient. The government should provide funding to show people how to access information from the Internet. It can provide free instructions on the Internet usage, for instance.

    In conclusion, governments should spend the same amount of money on the Internet access and public transportation. The Internet and public transportation are both important, but they both need subsidies from governments to be improved.


    University: Stanford
    Nationality: Chinese
    November 5, 2022 at 7:33 am

    Nowadays people’s lives are affected by the Internet and public transportation more and more. However, neither of them is fully developed, so they both need help from governments. In my opinion, I believe that they need the same amount of funding since they are both able to make our lives better.

    Public transportation provides an environmental-friendly and efficient way to travel. You don’t have to worry about traffic jams or accidents, so people can preserve their time to do other valuable things. At the same time, the price of public transportations is cheap. As a result, it provides an effective way to travel for poor people and university students. Also, most public transportation vehicles are green. Since they produce little or even no pollutions, it is good for the environment.

    However, public transportation are not popular among citizens. Many of them prefers to drive their own cars or call taxis to travel. Since public transportations are beneficial, governments should provide enough funding to popularize those vehicles, improve the quality and inner facilities of them, also make policies to encourage people to use them.

    The Internet also has a positive influence on people. It makes access to information much easier and more efficient than before. It’s common for people today to know news all over the world while staying at home. The Internet provides all kinds of information, and it gives people chances to become knowledgeable. It also makes amusement and communication easier. People can talk to their friends far away from them, and they can also enjoy online programs to entertain, or to reduce stress levels. Although there are so many advantages, a lot of old people don’t even know how to access information from the Internet. Governments should provide funding to disseminate the use of the Internet to satisfy people’s needs.

    In conclusion, I think that governments should spend the same amount of money on Internet access and public transportation. They are the same important, but they both need help from governments to be improved.

    University: Stanford
    Nationality: Chinese
    September 5, 2022 at 1:14 pm

    People today regard arts and athletics as important parts of their lives. I believe that governments shouldn’t spend more money to support the arts than to support athletics.

    I agree that the arts play an important role in today’s society. They can empty people’s minds and make them feel less stressed. A lot of people with higher levels of education can master the techniques to understand emotions inside a piece of artwork. However, this doesn’t indicate that sports activities are replaceable. I firmly hold the opinion that the arts and athletics, even it is state-sponsored Olympic teams, should receive the same financial support.

    First, sports games are definitely more popular than artworks. You don’t need strong theoretical knowledge, since it is very easy to understand a sports game. The only preparation you need to do is to understand the rules. On the contrary, only a small portion of people can fully understand a piece of artwork. While most people can enjoy the excitement of sports programs such as football teams, others can be influenced by the beauty of the arts. This is a situation that everyone likes to see.

    Second, I believe that the financial support from a state is not enough for athletics. A state, even like California cannot give full support to a sports team. You can always see news about sports teams having economic difficulties. This problem can be solved effectively if governments give more support to that team. A lot of athletes take part in sports that are not popular, or there aren’t enough competitions for them to make money. As a result, they need financial support from the government. At the same time, the arts also need a lot of help, since it may take years to finish a great piece of artwork. These days, financial support from governments may be their only way to earn money.

    In conclusion, governments should spend the same amount of money to support the arts as in support of athletics, since they are all very important to people.