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Your Replies

    University: SISU
    Nationality: China
    March 26, 2020 at 11:11 am

    Nowadays, there’re increasing graduating students who can’t find suitable jobs because their universities have never offered them curriculums that provide direct employment opportunities. Some people assume that courses with no direct working opportunities serve no purpose. However, I cast doubt.

    The main task of a course is to make students acquire basic knowledge and relevant academic qualification. Courses providing opportunities about employment are required cooperation with relevant companies, which needs the university’s full attention aiming to establish a perfect collaboration relationship, including  investment, quantities of working positions and so on. Hence, this will directly affect the focus of the school. For instance, the school might pay less attention to the academic research and study but more to commercial cooperation with other firms. And the academic atmosphere in school will get worse.  This is not good for students’ study.

    Moreover, students studying in a major that has employment chances are feeling less competitive during their time in university. This will trigger their laziness on schoolwork. Then, they’ll perhaps be less diligent and focused, to some extent, and gradually lose their initiative in learning. Thus, they’re more likely to lose some qualities, such as professional qualification, interpersonal skills, time-arrangement skills, and so forth. Those qualities do cultivate their personality, which is good for their future career. And students will need them as long as they enter the society.

    In conclusion, I accept that it’s more challenging for graduating students to find jobs these days. But the significance of the course doesn’t relate to whether it provides direct chances of employment. It’s not advisable for them to select a course in terms of its ability to provide employment opportunities.