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  • Univs
    University: Technical University Munich
    Nationality: China
    October 12, 2021 at 7:30 am

    In this argument, the author suggests that the number of mopeds rented by rental companies must be limited to reduce the accidents involving mopeds and indicates the neighboring island as an example to espouse his idea. However, to evaluate whether the predicted result can be achieved or not by implementing this recommendation on Balmer Island, some necessary questions need to be answered first.

    The limitation on rental mopeds during the summer season might help reduce the number of mopeds driving on the road and thus control the accident rate during this period. However, to reduce the annual accident rate, the council still needs to know whether most of the accidents in a year occur in the summer season or not. If much fewer accidents happen in the other seasons than in summer, implement this recommendation will help attain the predicted annual reduction. Otherwise, the number of accidents in the whole year may only change a little.

    Besides, the council needs to know if there are potential sources of rental mopeds except for the rental companies. Although the limitation can efficiently decrease the number of mopeds rented by companies, if more rental mopeds are available from other sources such as some individuals who own mopeds, the number of mopeds during the summer season will still retain to a high level. On the contrary, if only rental companies are allowed to offer rental mopeds on Balmer Island, limiting the number of mopeds rented by them can efficiently decrease the whole number of mopeds driving on the way. Thus, the council can reach its predicted goal of accidents reduction.

    Moreover, it is also questionable if the huge number of mopeds is one of the main reasons for accidents. Some other reasons, such as lack of transportation signal or too many narrow roads on the island, can also increase the possibility of accidents. If the main reason for a high incidence of accidents is the other reason like incomplete transport facilities, only by limiting the number of rental mopeds, the predicted 50 percent reduction of accidents will be unreachable.

    In conclusion, it is still unclear if the predicted reduction of accidents can be reached without answering the questions above.