ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

Your Replies

  • VictorYang
    University: sues
    Nationality: Chinese
    September 3, 2020 at 7:48 am

    Nowadays, many people are worried about crimes, so they are not willing to go out. Some people think they should take immediate actions to stop crimes from happening. However, others hold an opposite view. They believe they can do nothing to curb crimes. In my opinion, it is necessary that people should do their best to make their city a safer place.

    Some people are very passive when facing security matters. In their opinion, crimes can not completely disappear though the police spend a lot of time and money combating crimes.From my point of view, they are wrong. Although crimes will still happen, the crime rates will decrease if the police take proper actions like setting surveillance cameras, catching criminals and so on.

    More people believe that only if we take drastic measures can criminals reduce.The most direct method to reduce crime rates is that the police should carry weapons while patrolling. I think the advantage is that the presence of police officers will have a deterrent effect . Potential offenders are pretty sure that they can not escape the punishments easily, so they will think twice if they want to commit a crime. Another method is also an effective way to decrease the crime rates, however, we should do it in a long time. Government should make policies in order to reduce poverty. For example , governmet can set up foundations so that it can help families who can not afford tuition.If most of the children receive sound education, fewer and fewer people will violate laws.

    All in all, I firmly believe that we should take active methods to make society much safer.