TruckersForMe Participant TruckersForMe Participant

Your Replies

  • yezi
    University: AUFE
    Nationality: AUFE
    July 14, 2019 at 3:03 pm

    Facing tremendous competence pressure at the workplace,  more people look forward to improving their core competence power by taking added course about their career.  Someone believes that it not only wastes entertaining time but also soars mental stress, while others claim supporting by government training course is an effective way for adults. From my perspective,  I strongly subscribe to the action taken by the government that adults over the age of 25 should  take the training course to improve themselves and learn something new.  It is an effective way to spend money. There are some reasons and examples given below.

    On the one hand, taking the course could increase the rate of employment.  Nowadays human resource mangers pay more attention to interviews’ practical ability.  For example,  last year I organized a job fair for my client company and there was over thousands of interviews competing market manger-this position.  Among interviewers, some have studying abroad background,  some have years of working experience and some have advanced skill about administration.  It was very hard for me to choose the most suitable person. However ,in the end , I’d choose an interviewer with advanced skill rather than other talents and the reason was that he could bring creative ideas and use more useful methods to expand market share. After a year, the client company gains over 68% market share and considerable profits. According to this example, it tells me that skill plays more and more vital role in career promotion.

    On the other hand,  the training course provided by government is the most economical and fairest chance. In China, it is a common phenomenon that private training schools always ask sky-high price for people. This price maybe is petty for the wealth, while for the majority mundane people is exorbitant. So more young adults could not afford it will give up and lose opportunities. However, if the government reaches hands to erect the training school, it will not only reduce the cost but easily invites experts and specialist. Therefore the training school will encourage people to improve themselves and gain success in career. The more important point is that it has long lasting effect both on the whole country and individuals. In the end, the economy of the country will radically bloom.

    Admittedly, it is true that sponsoring the training course by the government will raise financial burden and cut down expenditure on other fields such as social welfare and medical treatment. Nevertheless, on balance, this issue above seems to be the minor problem in comparison with the rate of employment and the level of GDP.

    From what have been discussed above,I could draw a conclusion that it is an effective way for government to provide …with …