Zach D
ShippersForMe Participant ShippersForMe Participant

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  • Zach D
    University: Wuhan University
    Nationality: China
    March 15, 2021 at 5:20 pm

    As children grow up or students graduate from school, they will face a period of time for finding a job. If there is a secure job for me, I would not take it immediately. I prefer to wait for a better job, but it doesn’t mean I will do nothing just wait for it at home.

    Firstly, I think people need to be confident. The only reason why a person would take it without thinking I can imagine is he or she is threatened by stress. When people are afraid of stress from society, they would take the safest choice. Because they worry about losing to settle down comfortably when they are looking for a better job. However, it is not such horrible, and it’s fine to be confident. Everyone has oppotunity and ability to be more satisfied in a satisfying position.

    What’s more, it’s common for people to want to seize better opportunity. Most people cannot be chosen by the company they like at first. Thus it takes time and attention for learning more things in order to get affection from directors. Just like a friend of mine who wants to be a data analyst, he was refused by companies many times, but he kept going for two years and post several papers in that region, and finally got the job he interested in.

    Last but not least, I suppose that it is necessary for people to be ambitious and combative. I consider fighting is the meaning of life. Before we were born, we fought with millions of sperm. During school time, we competed with other students and friends. With our body and mental thought growing, we never stop fighting, so how can we give up to pursue progress?

    As mentioned all above, people are not supposed to abandon the chance to trace for a better job due to surrounding stress. Taking the safe job may be a good choice which could make you feel relieved. But, meanwhile, you are lost in your life and gradually become unsatisfied in your present position.

    Zach D
    University: Wuhan University
    Nationality: China
    March 15, 2021 at 5:08 pm

    Once Earth suffers from unusually harsh days which are named the Little Ice Age. With the research of the Little Ice Age, three presumptions regarding the formation of these cold days were raised. However, the professor disproved all of them with telling evidence.

    Firstly, one of the reasons that long-term weird warm weather caused the cold winters through the Gulf Stream . Warm air renders glaciers melted and produces cold fresh water to cool the Earth down. But the professor casts doubt on the range where the Gulf Stream could affect. The Gulf Stream can only impact on European or North American climate, which means it can’t explain the global chill.

    Another theory about volcanic eruption suggested the clouds of dust and sulfur induced by volcanoes are conducive to the beginning of the Little Ice Age. However, if there were enough clouds to affect the temperature, people would discover some visual symptoms like color changing in snow. Without any relative report,  the professor overthrows the hypothesis again.

    Thirdly, the reading part mentions the decrease of human population accelerates trees’ growth. And with more trees growing, plants consumed a deluge of carbon dioxide. But this couldn’t be the reason, either. Experts find that there is not enough time for plants to grow so fast as to reduce such an immense amount of greenhouse gas. What’s more, with steep rise in human polulations , the area of plants would vanish rapidly. So there are adequate facts to negate this assumption.

    Zach D
    University: Wuhan University
    Nationality: China
    March 8, 2021 at 3:35 pm

    There a long period of time during the Earth suffers from unusually harsh days is named the Little Ice Age. With the research of the Little Ice Age, three presumptions regarding to the formation of these cold days were raised. However, the professor disproved all of them with telling evidence.

    Firstly, one of the reason that the cold winters formed is caused by weird warm weather from the Gulf Stream . Warm air renders glaciers melted and produces cold freshwater to cool the Earth down. But the professor casts doubt on the range where the Gulf Stream could affect. In fact, the Gulf Stream can only impact on European or North American climate, which means it can’t explain the global chill.

    Another theory about volcanic eruption suggested the clouds of dust and sulphur induced by volcanoes are conducive to the beginning of the Little Ice Age. However, if there were enough clouds to affect the temperature, people would discover some visual symptoms like color changing in snow. Without any relative report,  the professor overthrows the hypothesis again.

    Thirdly, the reading part mentions the decrease of human population leading to accelerates trees’ growth. And with more trees growing, plants consumed a deluge of carbon dioxide. But this couldn’t be the reason, either. Because experts find that there is not enough time for plants to grow so fast as to reduce such immense amount of greenhouse gas. What’s more, with the increase of human population , the area of plants would vanish rapidly. So there are adequate facts to negate this assumption.

    Zach D
    University: Wuhan University
    Nationality: China
    March 4, 2021 at 1:52 pm

    As record of the Little Ice Age, there has been a long period of time that the Earth suffers unusually harsh cold days. Here, the professor says current research data unlies the conjucture about how the Little Ice Age forms.

    Firstly, it supposes the cold winters may have been caused by the Gulf Stream after weird warm weather . Warm air renders graciers melted and produces cold freshwater to cool the Earth down. But the professor casts doubt that the Gulf Stream only affect Europe and North America, which means it can’t explain the global chill.

    Secondly, another theory about volcanic eruption was promoted, which suggested the clouds of dust and sulfer induced by volcanoes cause the Little Ice Age. However, if there was enough clouds to affect the temperature, people would discover some visual symptom like the color changing in snow. Without any relative report,  the professor overthrows the hypothesis again.

    Thirdly, the reading part mentions the decrease of human population which accelerates trees’ growth. With more trees growing, plants consumed a deluge of carbon dioxide. But it can’t be the reason, either. Because experts find that there is no enough time for plants to grow so fast to reduce such amount of greenhouse gas. What’s more, with the increase of human population following behind, the area of plants would become smaller rapidly. So the final explanation is negated.