Zhang nb
TruckersForMe Participant TruckersForMe Participant

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  • Zhang nb
    University: Tianjin university
    Nationality: China
    May 24, 2020 at 12:02 pm

    With the thriving industries and the reducing price of commodities, many of us are becoming aware less about the recycling of products. Still, many of us turn to throw away the garbage without proper decomposition.

    Facing this environmental problem, which makes countless waste and rubbish coming out on the planet. We have to adapt some effective measures to resolve the annoying issue. Though it’s not easy to finish the task, many experts in this area have given several suggestions to fix the crisis. This passage is going to recommend some of them at here. In the beginning, the government should enact several regulations to compensate citizens who prefer to reuse their products. In which way, more people would be encouraged by this award to mimic those citizens’ actions. And it will lead to reducing the garbage population together with cultivating a fabulous personality in most civils.

    What’s more, do not construct plants to make it function as a public good to decompose the garbage any more. Besides, the public should offer this part expenditure via paying tax or compulsory charge. In this case, the number of commodity recycling increases due to the rigorous ordinance from the government. This provision is commonly taken by plenty of Asian countries following some European countries. Under which regulation, striking outcome has been shown in those countries’ databases. As I know, there is fewer garbage lying on the street in my hometown too.

    In general, after making policy of reward and punishment, trash quantity on our planet would be fewer. Beyond that, it’s more possible for citizens to develop this good personality and let their offspring inherit it.

    Zhang nb
    University: Tianjin university
    Nationality: China
    May 22, 2020 at 3:56 am

    With the thriving industries as well as the reducing price of commodities, many of us are becoming aware less about the recycling of products. Still, many of us turn to throw away the garbage randomly without proper decomposition.

    Facing this environmental problem which makes countless waste and rubbish coming out on the planet, we have to adapt some effective measures to resolve the annoying issue. Though it’s not easy to accomplish the task, many experts in this area have given several suggestions to fix the crisis. This passage is going to recommend some of them in here. In the first place, the government should enact several regulations to compensate those citizens who are likely to make their products reuse. In which way, more people would be encouraged by this award to mimic those citizens’ actions. And it will lead to reduce the garbage population together with cultivating a fabulous personality in most civils.

    In addition, plants ought to be constructed without functioning as a public good to decompose the garbage any more. Further more, the public should offer this part expenditure via paying tax or compulsory charge. In this case, actions without recycling the commodity are gradually reduced because of the rigorous ordinance from the government. This provision is commonly taken by plenty Asian countries following some European countries. Under which regulation, striking outcome has been shown in those countries’ databases.

    In general, after taking actions on prohibiting waste and recycling goods, the amount of trash on our planet would be fewer.