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  • zst
    University: DMU
    Nationality: DMU
    June 6, 2019 at 1:13 am

    Revised version 1:
    In such a fast-paced and open modern world, a large of international events and multiple patches of information fulfill people’s life. In fact, we attach with a swarm of news, anecdotes and announcements. As a result, we prefer a message that is close to life. Gradually, we ignore worldwide messages away from life. Otherwise, we might miss a life connection. However, as far as I concerned, I think that the world information is worthy to be read as well.

    Without a doubt, life massages guide people to a better life. Otherwise, they might lose materials to chat with neighbors. Even worse, people lose jobs because they miss some important messages from bosses. Indeed, people need surrounding intelligence to make a reaction. Over time, people forget big world events.

    However, people can broaden their horizon by international events. People always like to talk with a wisdom person. The so-call wisdom people are those who know world issues. Furthermore, people with wide knowledge are more likely to have a good relation with others. In some cases, a grasp of world events helps people to deal with life problems. For instance, my little brother watched TV world news every day. One day, he had a conflict with his best friend. Then he talked with his friend in the same way as an ambassador did in a world conflict. In the end, they were back together.

    Besides, world events cater people to think in a big picture. People mastering significant events on time are more likely to make success. Take Yun Ma for example. Yun Ma is a successful merchant. At a birth of internet, He took advantage of this important message by setting up a website for selling goods online. After a few years, his business has expanded worldwide. Later, he ascribed his success to the timely grasp of the great event of the birth of the network.

    On balance, though big events are not close to life, event information could impact people’s life. Apart from broadening knowledge, world news enhance people systematic thinking.

    University: DMU
    Nationality: DMU
    May 17, 2019 at 3:48 am

    Revised Version 4

    In such a fast-paced and open modern life, people’s education quality is getting higher and higher. Even in this case, people still urge to improve their education through all means. Gradually, many people propagate to improve teaching by paying more money to professors. As a big fan of this idea, I think that a higher salary for a professor is an essential way to promote the quality of education.

    Undeniably, paying professors more is more likely to make professors enjoy an affluent life rather than do research. We can image a professor abandon his research and show off his rich life. People are willing to enjoy the present moment than to make a promotion. It is reasonable to cast doubts on this proposal.

    However, a higher paycheck does help professors focus on education and research in some cases. Especially in the instance that professors have little money to rent a comfortable apartment. In our university, a professor lived in a 35 square meters house and rode his broken bike to class. Moreover, he also worked for a company in leisure time to fund his biology program, which completely distracted his energy and concentration.

    More importantly, a higher salary caters to reduce the heavy stress of being a teacher. On the one hand, teachers dream of travelling to release pressure. For example, once my art teacher had an overburden mission in a month, and he wished to travel around for a while. But without enough money, he gave it up, which made him really upset. On the other hand, instructors could spend extra money organizing student activities. Students balance between study and entertainment. With more money, instructors avoid suffering from the pressure of funding shortage. Meanwhile, students could also benefit from this policy.

    To put it in a nutshell, higher pay university offers to professor is a good approach to promote education quality. Teachers could have better living conditions and research conditions. Besides, they could reduce pressure and do their students a favor with the extra money.

    University: DMU
    Nationality: DMU
    May 16, 2019 at 1:52 pm

    In fast-paced and open modern life, people’s education comes with higher and higher quality. Even in this case, people still urge to improve their education by all means. Gradually, many people propagate to improve teaching by paying more money to professors. As a big fan of this idea, I think that a higher salary for professor is a essential way to promote the quality of education.

    Undeniably, paying professors more money is more likely to make professors enjoy an affluent life rather than do research. We can image a professor abandon his research and show off his rich life. People are willing to enjoy the present moment than to make promotion. The professors are in the same boat. It is reasonable to cast doubts on this proposal.

    However, a higher paycheck does help professors focus on education and research in some cases, especially in the instance that professors have little money to rent a comfortable apartment. In our university, I have ever heard that a professor lived in 35 square meters house and ride his broken bike to class. Moreover, he also worked for a company to fund the research of his field station program, which completely distracted his energy and concentration.

    More importantly, a higher paycheck caters to reduce the heavy stress of being a teacher. On the one hand, teachers dream to travel to release pressure. For example, once my art teacher had an overburden mission in a month, and he wished to travel around for a while. But without enough money, he gave it up, which made him really upside. On the other hand, instructors spend the extra money to organize student activities. Students balance the relation between study and entertainment. With more money, instructors avoid suffering from the pressure of funding shortage. Meanwhile, students could also benefit from this policy.

    To put it in a nutshell, giving higher salary to professors is a good approach to promote education quality. Teachers could have a better life condition and research condition. Besides, they could reduce pressures and do their students a favor with the extra money.

    University: DMU
    Nationality: DMU
    May 15, 2019 at 1:27 am

    With the incredible process of society, the heated debate has enlivened recent discussion on education, whether a university shall pay professors more revenues to improve the quality of education? Answers vary from person to person. Some people support to increase professors’ salaries, while others view it on the opposite. As far as I concerned, adding more money for professors is a good way to improve the quality of teaching. My reasons and experiences are as follows.

    To begin with, a higher paycheck helps professors focus on education and research. As we all know, people need to make a living for their life. Professors are in the same boat. If giving more money to them, they would quit part-time jobs. Then they’ll have more attention and energy to their classes and their expertise. A teacher, teaching biology in our university, had to make extra money to rent an apartment. Moreover, he also worked for a company to fund the research of field station program.

    Furthermore, giving professors more paycheck helps to reduce the heavy stress of being a teacher. On the one hand, when they are facing burdensome in university, they have more money to travel. My art teacher, who always complained of overburden assignments, wished to release pressure by travelling around. On the other hand, professors could pay more money to care about students’ study. As my classmate’s experience, her instructor, who obtained more money, gave some part of wages to buy specific books for her.

    Admittedly, with higher salaries, some teachers might set education aside and enjoy a rich life. Whereas, those minor drawbacks might disappear gradually, if universities offer ethical courses and academic thoughts to professors.

    To put it in a nutshell, spending more money to professors is a good approach to promote education quality. Teachers could have a better life condition and research condition. Besides, they could reduce pressures and do their students a favor with the extra money.

    University: DMU
    Nationality: DMU
    May 14, 2019 at 1:20 am

    A heated debate has enlivened recent discussion on the field of education. Whether a university shall pay professors more revenues to improve the quality of education? Answers vary from person to another. Some people support to increase professors’ salaries, while others view it on the opposite. As far as I concerned, adding more money for professors is a good way to improve the quality of teaching. My reasons and experiences are as follows.

    To begin with, raising paycheck helps professors focus on education and research. As we all know, people need to make a living for their life. Professors are in the same boat. If giving more money to them, they would quit part-time jobs. Then they’ll have more attention and energy to their classes and their expertise. A teacher, teaching biology in our university, had to make extra money to rent an apartment. Moreover, he also worked for a company to fund his research of his field station program.

    Furthermore, giving professors more paycheck helps to reduce the heavy stress of being a teacher. On the one hand, when they are facing burdensome in university, they have more money to travel. My art teacher, who always complained his overburden assignments but has a high salary, encouraged us that travelling was a good way to rest ourselves. On the other hand, professors could pay more money to care about students’ study. As my classmate’s experience, her instructor, who obtained more money, gave some part of wages to buy specific books for her.

    Admittedly, with higher salaries, some teachers might set education aside and enjoy rich life. Whereas, with the ethical courses and academic thoughts offering to professors, advantages of raising payment outweigh those minor drawbacks.

    To put it in a nutshell, spending more money to professors is a good approach to promote the education quality. Teachers could have a better life condition and research condition. Besides, they could reduce pressures and do their students a favor with the extra money.