Because modern life is very complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing Because modern life is very complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

  • learning
    University: Yunnan University
    Nationality: China
    May 12, 2022 at 12:54 pm

    Because modern life is very complex, it is essential for young people to have the ability to plan and organize. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

    In modern society, because of a variety of events, our life is becoming more and more complex. Some people tend to make plans to deal with various businesses, while others do not. In my opinion, we should be able to plan and organize, which I will elaborate on in this essay from the perspective of efficiency and benefits for the future job.

    To begin with, a good organization or plan will improve our efficiency at work, which is critical in a fast-paced society. If we can complete a task faster, more time will be left, so we can do what we are interested in. It occurs to me that when last summer holiday was around the corner, my homework was scheduled carefully. Then I strictly followed my plan. As a result, I made full use of the vacation and set aside plenty of time for my hobbies. On the other hand, some of my classmates, who didn’t have a plan, wasted much time. Had I neglected the importance of drawing up a plan like my classmates, I wouldn’t have been so efficient, not to mention that I had my own time.

    On top of that, planning and organizational skills are beneficial to us when it comes to our future career, since we will encounter more complex events. If we practice this ability in everyday life, we are more likely to get accustomed to knotty problems. As far as I know, many celebrities, including entrepreneurs and administrators, are highly proficient in planning or organizing.

    In conclusion, I am supportive of the statement that we should have the ability to plan and organize. This is because it can improve our efficiency and promote our ability to handle more complex things.

    May 12, 2022 at 3:17 pm

    In modern society, (because of a variety of events, our life is becoming more and more complex. )[ There is no causal relationship between the two clauses.  ]Some people tend to make plans to deal with various (businesses)[ wrong word; businesses mean strikingly different from business.  ], while others do not. In my opinion, we should be able [  develop the ability ]to plan and organize[ in light of   ], which I will elaborate on in this essay from the perspective of [ xxx  ]efficiency and [ the  ]benefits for the future job[jobs/careers   ].

    To begin with, a good organization or plan (will)[ sweeping word/use conditional writing  ][ is likely to/can/would  ] improve our [ working  ]efficiency at work, which is critical in a fast-paced society. If we can complete [ completed  ]a task faster, [we would be able to devote the saved    ]more time [to doing interesting things.   ] will be left, so we can do what we are interested in. It occurs to me that when [ When  ]last summer holiday was around the corner, my homework was scheduled carefully[confusing/using active   ]. Then[ , so ] I strictly followed my plan. As a result, I made full use of the vacation and set aside plenty of time for my hobbies. On the other hand, some [Some   ]of my classmates, who didn’t have a plan, wasted much[substantive amounts of   ] time [ since they lacked a plan  ]. Had I neglected the importance of drawing up a plan[ ,  ] like my classmates, I wouldn’t have been so efficient, not to mention that I had my own time.

    On top of that[ Additionally  ], planning and organizational skills [could also benefit   ] are beneficial to us when it comes to our future career, [ punctuation error  ]since we will encounter more complex events[ sweeping statement/once we encounter significant challenges ]. If we practice[practised] (this ability)[ unclear  ] in everyday life, (we are more likely to) [ grammatical error  ]get accustomed to[deal with/tackle   ] knotty problems. As far as I know, many [ Many  ]celebrities, including (entrepreneurs and administrators)[ they may not be celebrities  ], are highly proficient in planning or organizing.

    In conclusion, I am supportive of the statement that we should have the ability to plan and organize. This is because it [ these abilities  ]can improve our efficiency and promote our ability to [ effectively  ]handle more complex things.