In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that the government has the responsibility to solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. IELTS Writing In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that the government has the responsibility to solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  • pascal133
    University: SCUT
    Nationality: China
    February 21, 2022 at 3:48 am

    In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that the government has the responsibility to solve this problem. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

    Problems like obesity and deteriorating health are more and more noticeable among children in various nations. It is argued that it is the government’s job to sort them out. In my opinion, while the government can do something to mitigate this trend, it is more up to parents who should limit the calories intake of their children.

    The government should regulate advertisements towards children, but effects of this measure prove to be limited. Usually, when children see child snacks advertisements in television which involve kids, they ask their parents for such products because they want to imitate their peers. Limiting children’s participation in these advertisements can partly discourage children from demanding more unhealthy snacks, but not entirely. Manufacturers still need profits, so they will find other ways to entice parents to buy such products for their children, and legislature will eventually be unable to catch up with such circumventions, rendering such a measure ineffective.

    On the other hand, it is more of parents’ responsibility to discourage their children from overeating. They need to set a good example to their children, and start from themselves by getting rid of all unhealthy food from their homes and by stop eating excessively. Children naturally learn from their parents, who teach them about the dangers of excessive fatness among children, and the benefits of healthy eating. Recent research published in New England Medical Journal has shown that children, whose parents are overweight, tend to be fat as well.

    In conclusion, to manage the growing issues of child obesity and unhealthiness, which are becoming more prevalent around the world, it is more of the parents’ responsibility to regulate their children’s diet instead of that of the government’s, which can but only exert limited influence.

    February 21, 2022 at 3:56 pm

    Fix issues evidenced on screenshot reviews.

    University: SCUT
    Nationality: China
    February 21, 2022 at 6:56 pm

    Problems like obesity and deteriorating health are more and more noticeable among children in various nations. It is argued that it is the government’s job to sort them out. In my opinion, while the government can do something to mitigate this trend, it is more up to parents who should limit the calories intake of their children.

    The government should regulate advertisements towards children, but the effectiveness of this measure prove to be limited. When children see snacks advertisements on television with kids’ presence, they are likely to ask their parents for such products. Limiting children’s participation in these advertisements can partly discourage children from demanding more unhealthy snacks, but not entirely. Manufacturers still need profits, so they will find other ways to entice parents to buy such products for their children, and the legal system will eventually be unable to catch up with such circumventions, rendering such a measure ineffective.

    On the other hand, it is more of parents’ responsibility to discourage their children from overeating. They need to set a positive example, and start with themselves by getting rid of all unhealthy food from their homes and refraining from immoderate eating. Children naturally learn from their parents, who teach them about the dangers of excessive fatness and the benefits of healthy eating. Recent research published in New England Medical Journal has shown that kids, whose parents are extremely obese, tend to be fat.

    In conclusion, to manage the growing issues of child obesity and unhealthiness, which are becoming more prevalent around the world, it is more of parents’ responsibility to regulate their children’s diet instead of that of the government’s, which can only exert limited influence.

    February 22, 2022 at 4:20 pm

    Problems like obesity and deteriorating health are more and [ are becoming  ]more noticeable among children in various nations. It is argued that it is the government’s job to sort them out. In my opinion, while the [ article error  ]government can do something to mitigate this trend[ word choice error  ], it[ too many unclear pronouns such as IT  ] is more up to parents who should limit the[article error  ] calories[ calorie  ] intake of their children.

    [ missing a transitional word  ]The [ article error  ]government should regulate advertisements towards children, but the effectiveness of this measure prove to be limited. When children see snacks advertisements on television with kids’ presence, they are likely to ask their parents for such products. Limiting children’s participation in these advertisements can partly discourage children from demanding more unhealthy snacks, but not entirely. Manufacturers still need profits, so they will find other ways to entice parents to buy such products for their children, and the legal system will eventually be unable to catch up with such circumventions, rendering such a measure ineffective.

    On the other hand, it is more of parents’ responsibility to discourage their children from overeating. They need to set a positive example, and start with themselves by getting rid of all unhealthy food from their homes and refraining from immoderate eating. Children naturally learn from their parents, who teach them about the dangers of excessive fatness and the benefits of healthy eating. Recent research published in New England Medical Journal has shown that kids, whose parents are extremely obese, tend to be fat.

    In conclusion, to manage the growing issues of child obesity and unhealthiness, which are becoming more prevalent around the world, it is more of parents’ responsibility to regulate their children’s diet instead of that of the government’s, which can only exert limited influence.

    February 22, 2022 at 4:28 pm

    Partial revision [fix similar issues throughout your essay).

    University: SCUT
    Nationality: China
    February 22, 2022 at 5:39 pm

    Problems like obesity and deteriorating health are becoming more noticeable among children in various nations. It is argued that it is government’s job to sort them out. In my opinion, while government can do something to mitigate this issue, parents should also take appropriate measures that would reduce their children’s calorie intake.

    Admittedly, government should regulate advertisements towards children, but the effectiveness of this measure proves to be limited. When children see snacks advertisements on television with kids’ presence, they are likely to ask their parents for such products. Limiting children’s participation in these advertisements can partly discourage children from demanding more unhealthy snacks, but not entirely. Manufacturers still need profits, so they will find other ways to entice parents to buy such products for their children, and the legal system will eventually be unable to catch up with such circumventions, rendering such a measure ineffective.

    On the other hand, parents should take up their responsibility and discourage their children from overeating. They need to set a positive example, and start with themselves by getting rid of all unhealthy food from their homes and refraining from immoderate eating. Children naturally learn from their parents, who teach them about the dangers of excessive fatness and the benefits of healthy eating. Recent research published in New England Medical Journal has shown that kids, whose parents are extremely obese, tend to be fat.

    In conclusion, to manage the growing issues of child obesity and unhealthiness, which are becoming more prevalent around the world, it is more of parents’ responsibility to regulate their children’s diet instead of that of government’s, which can only exert limited influence.

    February 24, 2022 at 3:49 pm

    Problems like obesity and deteriorating health are becoming more noticeable among children in various nations. It is [ therefore ] argued that it is government’s job[government should  ] to sort them[ unclear…children? ] out. In my opinion, while government can do something to mitigate this issueparents should also take appropriate measures that would [ as a means to ] reduce their children’s calorie intake.

    Admittedly, government should regulate advertisements towards[ targeted at ] children, but the effectiveness of this measure proves to be limited. When children see snacks advertisements on television (with[ unclear preposition ]  kids’ presence)[ unclear ] , they are likely to ask their parents for such products. Limiting children’s participation in these advertisements [ therefore ] can [ only ] partly discourage children[ /the kids ]  from demanding more unhealthy snacks, but not entirely. Manufacturers[ As long as manufacturers ]  still need[pursue  ]  profits, so they will[could …avoid using absolute statement unless it confirms the fact ]  find other ways to entice parents to buy such products for their children[ . In such cases ] , and the legal system will eventually be unable to catch up with such circumventions, rendering such a measure ineffective[ unclear sentence ] .

    On the other hand, parents should (take up)[informal writing  ]  their responsibility and discourage their children from overeating. They need to set a positive example[ for their kids ] , and start with themselves by getting rid of all unhealthy food from [home…single noun applies to general description  ]  their homes and refraining from immoderate eating. Children naturally learn from their parents, who teach them about the dangers of [/associated with  ] excessive fatness[ obesity/overweight ]  and the benefits of healthy eating. Recent[ A new ]  research published in [ the ]  New England Medical Journal has shown [suggests/shows  ] that kids [of obese parents  ] , whose parents are extremely obese, tend to be[become   ]  fat[inappropriate choice of word  ] .

    In conclusion, to manage the growing issues of child obesity and unhealthiness, which are becoming more prevalent around the world, it is more of parents’ responsibility to [ parents need to ] regulate their children’s diet[ because ]  instead of that of government’s, which [government  ] can only exert limited influence.

    February 24, 2022 at 4:11 pm

    Final revision