In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem?

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. IELTS Writing In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem?

  • christine54
    University: Jiangnan University
    Nationality: China
    August 26, 2020 at 3:53 pm

    In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case? What can be done about this problem?

    It’s not uncommon that tons of people still hard to get enough food even there are advanced agricultural system and technology. This trend is due to lack of labor force and high food transportation costs which can be solved in several simple ways.

    The first reason why people has been starving is that village dwellers tend to migrate to the big cities and towns. This is because those living in the cities could have a wider range of choices in finding better paying jobs or getting a greater education quality. As a result, a large proportion of adults have been going to cities whereas children and elderly people have left in the countryside which led to the shortage of labor force working in agricultural industry. It does have a negative impact on agricultural development.

    Another reason for the existence of the hungry is that high expenses of food transport and import. For example, in some areas, land is poorly suitable for agricultural development. Dwellers living in such areas have no choice but to get food from other areas or countries. In this way, high tax for importing food from overseas and huge expenses on transport led to food prices raised. Poor people who are struggling to make ends meet can’t afford food including vegetables and meat.

    It is important to reduce the numbers of people going hungry to maintain social stability, some measures should be taken. Firstly, subsidiaries ought to provide to poor people to buy food they need. Also, facilities should be rebuilt; education quality should be improved, so that people are willing to stay in the rural areas. In addition, the government could impose less taxes on importing food. In this way, the poor can afford food to meet fundamental needs.

    In conclusion, labor shortage and high expenses on transport make lots of people hungry, effective measures from the government could solve this problem definitely.

    August 27, 2020 at 1:38 am

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