Scientific discoveries should be shared around the world. Government should not keep it privately.

TOEFL, IELTS, Personal Statement and CV Proofreading Services. TOEFL Writing Scientific discoveries should be shared around the world. Government should not keep it privately.

  • Marco
    University: BJUT
    Nationality: Chinese
    August 20, 2020 at 6:47 am

    Recently there is a heated discussion over whether governments should isolate scientific discoveries from the world. In my opinion, the answer depends on the impact the finding will bring to us.

    We know that some scientific discoveries would eventually benefit mankind, and some have already served us for years. For example, the Hybrid Rice created by Chinese scientist Yuan Longping has delivered millions of people across the globe from famine. And if a deadly virus was found, its information would be soon distributed to other countries to prevent a global calamity from happening. The sharing of new scientific discoveries allows governments to pool their resources, which could accelerate research and development. And in the end when they are turned into practical solutions, nobody will end up being the victim.

    Besides, if the government keeps such beneficial finds private, its reputation would probably rot. The whole world may despise such a government for its selfishness. What’s worth, if misfortunes set in, I guess others might be unwilling to help.

    However, under certain circumstances, constraints are needed to protect the government from being threatened and overpowered. Some scientific discoveries are crucial to a country’s security and dominance. For example, nuclear bombs are, without dispute, one of the most monumental revelations scientists have ever unveiled. But no country is stupid enough to share the technology to the world since this means a great menace. In another example, China slashed its rare earth export since it had realized the growing importance of rare earth elements, which are used to produce high-tech military devices. These inventions give governments an upper hand and help them navigate the cut-throat international climate.

    Sometimes we exhibit great generosity. Sometimes we confuse the government with the people. So I think we must take a flexible line on this issue because it is a very complicated thing.

    August 20, 2020 at 11:19 am

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    University: BJUT
    Nationality: Chinese
    August 20, 2020 at 12:09 pm

    Oops. I have already submitted it. I posted two revisions and please read the latest one.